Then my phone beeped and I unlocked it to read the message. It was from Romeo. Couldn't he have just said it out?

Romeo: *stop making those faces. Do you want to get me killed?*

Rosa: *What?*

Romeo: *Boss has been throwing me glares. I think he'll kill me if you keep trying to get my attention.*

My face morphed into one of confusion. Since when did Gonzalo start giving threats to Romeo because we were being playful?

Turning to face the said man slowly, my eyes widened. He was indeed throwing Romeo subtle glares, his eyes staring intently at the back of Romeo's head with suspicion in his eyes.

We finally got home and I heaved a grateful sigh. Finally I would get to check on Greta. I alighted with my handbag.


I sighed and turned around. "Yes Gonzalo?"

"Come to my room after you've freshened up. We have something important to discuss."


I went in to check on Greta, who was having a nap.

"Didn't she sleep this afternoon?"

Aliza shook her head, smiling widely at the sight of a sleeping Greta. "No. She has even been more playful than before." Then her smile slipped off her face. "I'm really sorry about the incident. I had no idea the drug I bought had expired. If anything had happened to her...I wouldn't have forgiven myself."

I placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's fine. It wasn't your fault anyway. From now on, just as I've told you before, I want to know about every drug she uses. Make sure of it."


I left her and went to freshen up and find something to eat before going up to Gonzalo's room.

I knocked.

"Come in dear." He called and I felt my cheeks warm up at the random endearment. I went in and gently shut the door behind me.

"Rosa, come in. Come here. Sit beside me." He gestured.

I did as requested.

"What kind of games do you love playing?" He suddenly asked, smiling at me.


"Oh drop the honorific. We're alone right now so no need to use the honorifics. Though I wouldn't mind if you stopped using the honorific altogether. Anyway, what are your favorite games?"

I didn't have any favorite games. I read books, sometimes. And I liked watching after my siblings like the act was a hobby. Maybe I played some games with friends a few times over the years but I never had a favorite.

"I don't have a favorite game."

"Okay. But you play games quite a lot."

"No I don't?" I asked rhetorically.

"Oh. The one you were playing with Romeo on our way back home wasn't a game?" His forehead creased as he appeared to be thinking so hard about it.

"No Gonzalo." I sighed, already dreading where this whole conversation was headed. "I just like making funny faces at him..." I trailed off. This conversation was weird on its own.

He sighed and gave me a disappointed look. "You seem to be very fond of Romeo."

"We work at the same place. For the same person."

He scratched his forehead. "My girlfriend doesn't give me attention except I ask her to, yet she keeps trying to get the attention of my men."

"Er, about that, I've been meaning to have a serious talk with you."

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