"Please tell me this is a joke?" Fred said quietly, his tone unreadable.

"It's not," Harrison said his voice full of conviction. He turned away when Hermione's face crumbled and Neville looked ready to pass out. Daphne gave him a small smile and reached over to squeeze his knee, she had a look in her blue eyes he couldn't quite place before she pulled her hand away.

"How can you pretend to be our friends?" Hermione sounded like she would break down any second. Harrison could see her body slowly begin to shake with suppressed sobs and he internally cringed, he didn't like the feeling so he pushed it down.

"I'm not pretending," Harrison practically hissed causing Hermione to flinch. Harrison closed his eyes before slowly opening them. "My father isn't how the Ministry and Dumbledore portray him."

"So he doesn't kill Muggles or Muggle-borns?" Hermione asked harshly before she flinched when she realized what she said. "I-"

"Don't," Harrison cut off whatever she was going to say. "My fathers Death Eaters have killed many Muggles and Muggle-borns I will not deny that, however he's also killed Half-bloods and Pure-bloods. I know that you probably don't see killing as right, you grew up differently than myself. However when it comes to Muggle-borns and half bloods he kills those that go against him, that's the same reason why he kills pure bloods. Before I was born yes he did want to annihilate all Muggles and Muggle-borns but after he had me he changed. Now he knows that you need new blood or else we will die out. Muggle-borns who are talented, powerful or smart can be just as useful and sometimes more so than Pure-bloods, my father knows this now. When it comes to magical blood now he kills only those who are on the opposite side, the opposing side from us, which would be Dumbledore and those with his beliefs. This is a war and my fathers Death Eaters aren't the only ones killing people, Dumbledore, the Ministry Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix do as well."

"The what?" Fred asked and Harrison could tell that the question had accidentally come out.

"The Order of the Phoenix is a secret organization that Dumbledore founded when my father first came into power," Harrison explained. "It's filled with those on the so called Light side who fight against my father and his Death Eaters. It's filled with Hogwarts professors, Aurors, Ministry members and some others who believe that Dumbledore and his beliefs are right. And before you go off praising Dumbledore, know that he isn't as holy as he would like everyone to think. You know of Grindelwald, the Dark wizard that Dumbledore defeated?" George and Fred nodded absentmindedly. "Well Dumbledore and him were friends and if what my fathers sources say are true, than they were more than friends," Harrison told them and he saw the twins' eyes widened almost comically. "Dumbledore dabbled in the Dark Arts when he was younger, however after his sister was killed him and Grindelwald went their separate ways and years later Dumbledore defeated him."

"He had a sister?" Hermione asked, it seemed she couldn't help her thirst for knowledge. "I've never read that anywhere." She looked at Harrison skeptically.

"Yes," Harrison said. "He also has a brother, Aberforth, he owns the Hogs Head in Hogsmeade."

"His brother owns a pub?" Fred asked, Harrison could see a small amount of the old prankster returning. Harrison knew he needed to keep talking to he did.

"Yes, he does. When they were younger Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Aberforth got into a fight, one of them accidentally killed his sister Ariana, to this day they don't know which one did it," Harrison said and Hermione gasped.

"Is that t-true?" Neville asked warily.

Harrison rose his hand. "I Harrison Salazar Riddle swear on my life and magic that everything I've told you since you arrived here today and everything I will tell you until you leave Riddle Manor today is the truth. So mote it be." Harrison was engulfed in a white light as the twins, Hermione's and Neville's eyes betrayed their immense shock.

"You just- you just," Neville stuttered out, he resembled a fish gasping for air. "That- oh..."

"I've read about that oath," Hermione said in a rush. "That's very dangerous!" He could hear worry in her tone and he felt a small wash of relief, they were taking this better than he thought they would.

"I need you four to know that I am speaking the truth, that oath is the only way you four can be certain. I want you to just listen, I'm not going to hurt you four as I do," Harrison told them. "Back to what you came here for me to tell you. My fathers goals are simple, he wants to change the Wizarding world for the better, yes I know that no one can know for sure what's best," Harrison said when Hermione went to open her mouth. "But my father wants to change the way things are done at Hogwarts, he wants to improve the education. When Hogwarts was founded Dark Arts and Defense Against the Dark Arts were both taught, along with many other classes. The Hogwarts curriculum is pathetic compared to what it once was, which is one of the reasons why I've been tutored and trained since I could walk." He could see the four of them paying rapt attention, they appeared to be calming down now that they knew he didn't want to kill them. "I won't lie to you Hermione," Harrison said with a significant look towards her. "My father does think those with Pure-blood and good breeding are better than the rest however he wants everyone with magical blood to be a part of the Wizarding world. But he doesn't like Muggles and he never will, he would put up with your parents but he would never be friends with them. Politeness for my sake is all he'd ever be towards them and he would never consider associating with other Muggles. He doesn't even like going into Muggle London, he thinks Muggles are beneath him and not worth his time. Although I'm sure that more Muggle-borns will die than Pure-bloods, but that is most likely because Muggle-borns rarely ever follow my father." Hermione nodded slowly and she seemed to be taking in everything he said.

"Who else knows?" Hermione asked. "About your father being You-Know-Who, besides the Slytherins?"

"Besides the Slytherins there are a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs who know but that's because like the Slytherins one of their parents is a Death Eater," Harrison answered. "Everyone who knows at Hogwarts knows because one of their parents follow my father, you're the first ones with non-Death Eater parents to know."

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