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Simon's POV:

I stirred out of this horrible sleep to find my self hugging a pillow. I was sweating and was uncomfortable. I sighed and got up to go shower in the main bathroom. It has a bench and i can sit and chill with a cold shower.

I put on "Crap Days" playlist from Spotify and clicked the shower on. I undressed and sat on the bench. So much was going on and i didn't know what to do.

In reality I can't do anything can i? I'm injured, limping round, hardly breathing after taking a few steps. But i'm not in pain. Not physically. Which i found weird, you would think after a bullet i'd be sore, but i was just tired.

After a very long 45 minutes of my muscles relaxing and me horribly singing sad songs, i turned the shower off and grabbed JJ's robe. I didn't bring a towel since i would have to wrap it around my waist and that would let JJ see my wound, it isn't pretty and he's already seen a lot of my blood.

I opened the bathroom door and nearly walked into someone. That someone being a woman. She looked pissed, jealous, upset and all of the above x10. I looked at her confused before going to JJ's room. I need clothes.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are? Just trying to walk into MY bedroom?", the women screeches then i realise its Shauna. I roll my eyes and walk on into the room anyways. I grab my hoodies and pants that i did unpack and then just grabbed my suitcase which was still full.

"S-Simon? Where are you going? Please don't say your leaving, well trying to leave", JJ stuttered coming out of his bathroom. I looked at him and as i was about to say i was only looking for clothes the bitch came in

"Baby tell your weirdo friend here he can't just be walking into our room", she emphasises the word OUR and i look at JJ. I scoff and smile. "No no please understand someone put my suitcase in here...by accident. Yeah an accident. My room is the one at the end of the hall", i spit at the bitch and her face just shoots off more glares.

JJ opens his mouth but is soon shut my Shauna's mouth latching onto it. How much i want to punch her right now... but that would be wrong as i am a man and she is a bitch. I once again loudly scoff and leave the room. 

I head to my room and change into shorts and a hoodie. I hear the doorbell and shoot to the door. Hopefully someone here to see me, anyone is better the better than them two.

I open the door to Harry. I smile and leap into his arms. Excited of course.

"Hello mate. See your looking and seeming better", Harry says smiling and i nod. He shows me two huge bags and i look confused at him. "I'm staying here for a while", he whispers unsurely. I smile and nod. "Your staying in my room OH MY GOD it's going to be like a sleep over but but but ...LIKE EVERY NIGHT", i scream excitedly and start dancing around like a child.

I had decided to stay with Simon a bit longer, it's no lie i like this lad a lot but i know business and pleasure never mixes well. Plus he is JJ's.

I watch the happy lad jump and dance around like a kid, i love seeing him happy. I think that's why Josh suggested this. He's always been rooting for me and Simon but i know deep down who Simon wants and i have to be okay with that.

"Can we get drunk please?", Simon says out of no where. I nervously laugh and check my watch...2 PM. I don't see why not. I look up and smile and nod and he screams happily. Trying to run to the kitchen without hurting himself.

I set my bags down and follow him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself and he doesn't. He takes out 10 shot glasses and tips some sort of Techila in them and scoots five of them to me. I smile and toast to him before taking them all down.

However Simon beat me, which isn't normal. This man can never usually hack alcohol. I think something may of happened but it's way to early to ask that. I smile and pour a mixer in with another few shots of something.

It's about 5 PM and me and Si here are still sipping on drinks and debating to go out to a club or not. "Welllll i thinker we go out and we go more drunk and we have a fun time because i'm not here for any other time", Si slurs and i laugh and nod.

I call a cab and help Si put his shoes and coat on. Just as i am Shauna comes down. She looks at Si in disgust and then looks at me and smirks. "Go on. Take your faggot friend away from my boyfriend. Yeah he's told me everything", Shauna says evilly and turns to the kitchen.

"DID SHE JUST CALL ME A FAGGOT?! WELL WHAT THE FUCK IS OLIJIDE THEN-", i shut Simon up before he can make a bigger deal but it was too late. JJ and Shauna were both now here staring us both down.

JJ was about to lunge for Si but the Cab beeped. Saved by the Cab. Me and Si rush out the door as JJ shouts some bullshit about coming back right now or we won't see the light of day ever again. The amount of times my parents said that to me but here i am running wild, gay, with the man i love in a cab while running away from the man he loves.

I sigh and tell the driver to take us to the biggest club party going. He nods and smiles at us kindly. He seems nice, i need to remember to tip him. "Are you ok?", i whisper to Si and he looks at me and smiles brightly. He starts laughing. Like hysterically laughing. I laugh at him and put him head down on my shoulder.

Then we rolled up to the club ready to get more pissed than we already were and just forget.
We jumped out and tipped the driver and headed in. We sat the bar and ordered more shots.
Simon held them up for a toast but he couldn't think of one.

"Let's just forget Si, TO FORGETTING", i shout and toast and some others toast as well.

Then the night went as exactly how we said it would go, we forgot.

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