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Simon's POV-

"What the hell?", i say walking behind him. He looked at me and carried on walking, i don't know why i followed him but i did and i regret it. "Go away you dork", JJ growled at me and he stared into what seemed my soul at this point. "dick", i grumble and walk away to the football pitch some were playing the sport and some were sat under the trees enjoying the weather in their free period.

I go to the tree which i always sit at and sigh, why did JJ all of a sudden come back? Why was JJ and Ethan being nice? Well until before at least. Something wasn't right but i had no balls to question them and if i did i would be probably hit in the balls.

I pull my book out and start sketching but i didn't get far as i heard the bell go and i realised how long i actually had been sat out here. Mad. I packed my things up and headed to the area me, Harry, Josh and Vik would usually spend our breaks and lunches.

I smile as i see the lads sitting there muttering...more like arguing among themselves. "What did Harry do this time", i joke and Harry throws his apple at me which i catch and smile at him smugly which he just glares...is he in a mood with me? I take a bite of his apple and throw it back but instead he doesn't catch but just moves out the way.

"Where did you go in first lesson?", Josh asks worried and my smile fades as i remember the whole JJ things, i didn't want to lie to the boys but i didn't want to worry them either. "I needed air the first day back just being a bit too different for me", I didn't exactly lie did i? Just partially. They all nod apart from Harry which he just rolls his eyes at me...i frown and sit next to Vik. I usually sit with Harry but i decided against it as he seems as if he could kill me for some reason.

I hear a lot of noise and voices and i see JJ and Ethan coming over with near enough the whole football team and the cheerleaders just following along. "Well well well if it isn't the faggot and his bumchums", Theo the head of football snarls and Josh and Harry bounce out their seats to stand in front of me as if they were protecting me.

JJ chuckles keeping eye contact with me. "Go away and get a life lad", Harry growls at them and Ethan seems to back off and try and tug JJ but he wasn't listening. "Oh look E, Si Si here has himself a boyfriend", JJ laughs referring to Harry. I pull a face and get up grabbing JJ and dragging him out to the seats which people would sit on the football games.

"What the fuck is your problem?", i half shout half talk, he looks at me smirking. I might be a little taller than him but he's sure as hell still scary. He rolls his eyes and looks at me deadly. "Just keep your fucking head down and keep that mouth shut...unless you want me to shut it for you", he mumbles the last part into my ear and i look at him in fear. "What the fuck", i whisper in disgust and i obviously pissed him off as he whacked me in the side of the head knocking me down.

He kicked me in the stomach multiple times and made sure they were powerful, i coughed and tried to form words but every time i went to talk he would make another hit to my abdomen or ribs. I just groaned until he stopped and walked away.

I coughed and i tasted the blood so i spat it out and took some breaths. I didn't really know what to do, he had hit me before and bullied me before but never to this point. I heard Harry shout the lads as soon as he had seen but everything was tuned out. Harry grabbed my face and i tried to say i was fine but he just shushed me and sat me up.

"I'm fine, chill out guys", i say taking a gulp of the water Vik gave me. Tobi soon ran up to us as he had just finished football practice. Don't worry he isn't on Theo's team. "What the fuck happened?", Tobi said shocked checking me over i waved him off though.
"I'm fine so can we just go home early or something? I don't want to be here and school can't see they'll ring my parents", i gasp as the pain in my ribs start to get worse. "Me and Vik have to stay but Harry can take you he doesn't have anymore lessons today", Josh says as he rubs my back carefully, i hesitate but nod.

I feel Harry might be mad at me for something so i don't know how i feel going home with him on my own but i don't think he will do anything whilst i'm like this. I know Harry he has good morals and will make moves if the other person is ready for it, which i obviously was not as i had to use him as a walking stick as walking was a struggle.

Luckily the teachers believed me when i said i felt extremely sick and had been puking the whole first lesson that is why i walked out. They gave me a note and let me go. I met Harry outside the office and nearly colapsed in his arms. You see i couldn't bring him in with me so i had to struggle and walk and stand on my own whilst being in the office.

"Let's get you home buddy", Harry says softly which makes me sigh in relief as he isn't as mad as he was before i went off with JJ. Why the hell did i go off with JJ? I mean am i asking for a smack?! I'm so stupid for god's sake. Harry helps me into the car and then runs over to his side and jumps in.

"Were you mad at me earlier on? Before the whole Theo and JJ thing happened?", i asked looking down at my hands which sat on my thighs. I heard him sigh and the engine start... wow that's a first, Harry always has something to say but for once i get the silent treatment.

I sit silently the ride home and when we pull in the drive i make sure i have my keys before jumping out pushing through the pain and going into the house without the help of Harry. He shouts for me to wait as he needs to park the car otherwise we would get a ticket but i didn't need his help so i ignore him and let my self in the house and struggle up the stairs into my room and i lock my bedroom door before heading to the bathroom to look at the damage.

Everything on my chest to my v-line was covered in the purpley bruises you get, he really did a number on me. I sigh pulling my top off fully and going back into my bedroom. I sat on the bed and grabbed my laptop. Seems like the word got out about what JJ did and a lot of people were either tweeting about the famous youtubers "fight" or messaging asking if i was okay like half of these people i don't know and i doubt they actually care.

JJ was getting a lot of hate though. I sighed pulling a football shirt on and setting the camera up. I have to make a video and make sure people don't give me or JJ a hard time.

"Hey guys what'g going on? MiniMinter here and i know your all curious as what happened today?! Well i am here to tell you that it was nothing serious. JJ or me should not be getting any hate or anything like that please, i'm completely fine and went home sick! Me and JJ had an argument yes, but nothing more. So please calm down with the tweets, calm down with the threats to me and/or JJ and i am fine and would like to say thank you to the people who have messaged and asked me how i am. Right peace out guys", i smile and stop recording. I quickly edit it make a thumbnail and then post it.

I knock my laptop and phone off and switch my tv on and go onto disney +. I decide on iron man 1 and decided i'll watch all three today.


It had been hours and everyone was home and they all checked in on me and Tobi brought me a whole pizza and some chips with garlic sauce. I said thank you and locked my door again.

I soon went to sleep dreading the days of healing to come.

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