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Simon let go of me and i realised, i stared at him and his smile was long gone and he looked as if he had seen a ghost. I was about to ask him if he was okay but he smiled and ran to someone. I couldn't see who it was due to him hugging her and his back to me. "You ok JJ?", Callux asks and i smile and nod. Callux was playing on the opposite team, i wasn't bothered they needed someone and it's always fun to bully Callux.

I looked over to Simon and saw her. The best friend he thought was dead until last week. They were talking emotionally and someone brought them drinks and they cheered each other and downed the drink. I was about to head over but Calfreezy beat me to it, he gave Simon a massive hug and then side hugged Talia. They all seemed like they were getting on really well.

"Hey get them and inform them the after party is where we are currently living and Simon has no other choice to go there so he might as well bring his friend", i say to Callux and he nods seeing how pissy i was he just headed straight over. I studied Simon's face as Callux delivered the news. He wasn't happy, he rolled his eyes and it looked like he was apologising to Talia, she nodded and smiled.

He then put his arm around her waist and they headed to one of the Cal's car. I assume they're just going to drive with them. I got in my lambo and Josh came with. I hadn't really had time to catch up with him at all recently so the ride back should do us good.

"So how is Freya? I didn't see her in the crowd Josh you know this event was the safest place she could ever been", i say looking at him, Josh was someone with paranoia. It held him back sometimes and ruined his friendships, and past relationships. But it worked with Freya and we all really liked her.

He wasn't always like this, he used to be free and crazy and not a care in the world like us. But he lost someone at one of these events like today. Someone was out for him and they could never get him so they got the next best thing. We had to lock him in the house because after loosing his sister he was ready to give himself into the man who killed her. We stopped him. He thanks every time we bring it up.

"I know but she isn't into football", he whispers and i know he dreads this conversation each time one of me and the guys bring it up but he needs to get back out of his shell. He was never like that before the accident and it makes us all sad, makes us all overthink about what he's going through. "I'll bring her next time", he mumbles and i sigh and nod. I know he's lying because he says this every single time when we ask or bring it up.

I drop it and put the radio on. He nods off and sleeps peacefully which is always surprising as he looks like someone who would snore a storm. I think about Simon and how his snores are cute and small. I smile at the thought of being in bed with him again, peacefully. No shitty arguments or being interrupted just us.

He just keeps falling away once i get hold of him, now Talia is here i don't think i'll ever get him back. But i'll be fucking dumbfounded if i don't try. I'll try everyday, i know Talia wants us to be happy so i get she won't stand in the way but god i know he would pick her any day. I smile at the thought of getting drunk tonight and just forgetting. Forgetting the stupid family feud, the gang problems, the love problems.

Every single problem i could ever think of will be forgot tonight. I can't wish for anything fucking more. I take in breath seeing i've beat the others to the cabin...house. Whatever the fuck it is. I park up and just as i do i see Cal's car pull in too. I see Simon jump out and then soon Talia too. They were laughing and were happy, she jumped on his back and they ran into the garage. The two Cals followed and they all came back out carrying crates.

They must want to get the party on with. I look at Josh and he was still flat out. I shake his arm gently and he jolted awake. "What is it? Is it Freya? Is she ok?", he spammed my brain with questions, i shook my head at his questions and put my hands on his shoulders. I started breathing hard so he could see he needs to copy me. He did and it took a little while but his breathing steadied and he was calm. I smiled at my technique.

"I'm sorry Jide", he whispered as he fell into a hug, it was awkward as he we were in a car but it worked. We pulled apart and gave a half laugh. We jumped out and we went to get our crates from the garage. Soon everyone came in either already having their crates in their car or coming into the garage getting some. I gave a lot of handshakes and bro hugs but i only wanted to see one person.

I had a can in my hand and i headed to the kitchen. I seen Deji my brother...i didn't expect him to be here. Great. "Deji", i fake smile and throw my arms up acting like i was glad to see him. He gave me a hug and then started introducing me to some stand up sluts he thought was okay to bring to my house. I didn't even want to shake their hands. I smiled and saw Vik standing alone. I excused my self and headed over.

"You ok bud? You were fucking amazing on that penalty", i say taking a swig. He smiles and thanks me, he then goes onto say something i wish he didn't. "Logan is here", he winces saying it knowing i hate the cunt. But he was best friend of Harry, how could i tell him no? I shook my head and finished my can. "I'm going for another drink, go mingle Vik", i order and he laughs and salutes me. I smile and head back to the garage.

I need the heavy shit. I opened what looked like a freezer but it was actually just a really good hiding spot for the Bourbon. Brothers Bond. It was good shit, i tried to stay away from it though. It had me legless by the end of the night. I cracked the bottle open and took a swig from the bottle. The usual nasty but nice taste filled my mouth.

"You know it's rude to drink from the bottle before asking others if they want a drink".

I scoffed and turned around. "This would put you in your grave before i get to. Logan", i say cockily smiling at him.

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