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Simon's POV-

JJ kissed my forhead and left...what the hell? He called me a faggot but he's getting all like that with me. Maybe he was just being friendly like Josh hugs Harry all the time when Harry misses his home place...yeah JJ must be the same.

When he left i opened my eyes and turned the tv back up, my phone then began to vibrate like mad. It was josh.

(J means josh and S is simon)

J- Hey how's it going?
S- It's been alright, me and JJ got along pretty well. How was detention?
J- It was shit, Harry tells me to tell you he misses you
S- I miss him too, I'll be out in a week but what have school said? Surely they won't doing anything too bad about this...
J- Yeahhh about that...
S- What?...
J- They are moving you into a house with someone but i don't know who else has a house

Surely not...JJ wouldn't get a house here only for a year. We are the only guys with the house here but i know JJ has a lot of money and could easily get the house.

S- Find out if Jide has a house...
J- On it now and if it is him dont worry about it you even said yourself you were fine together today
S- Jide changes like the sun and moon i can't be in the same place as him for more than five hours never mind the next year....
J- I'm gonna ring Ethan, he'll know
S- Ok thank you

I put my phone aside and carry on with my film, i am a big nerd when it comes to watching marvel films they are my obsession. The men are just amazing on it like who wouldn't like marvel please?!

My phone buzzed and i decided to ignore but it soon started going mad.

J- He is the one with the house
J- I'm sorry Si there is nothing we can do
J- I'm sure he will be nice though
J- If he isn't then we can report and you can then come back home
J- I am sure this won't be for the full year
J- Do school know he was the one who did this to you?
S- No and we're not telling them either he will get expelled and then won't graduate and i am not taking his education away over some silly thing we got too heated in, i will be fine surely. Night Josh
J- Fine, goodnight Simon.

I roll my eyes and shut my phone off i hated arguing with Josh but i am not going to ruin someone's life over me getting beat up.


It was the next day and a load of pills and other medication had been shoved into me and i was feeling quite loopy they did say i was legally high and i loved it but also hated it. Like this one doctor he was really really fit so i told him so and he said thank you but it was obvious he was straight.

I had JJ's song on "Down like that" on and i was bopping my head to it until i heard the door open and there he was...JJ!

"JJ!!", i squeal like a little girl and nearly fall out of the bed trying to get up so i can run to him but he caught me which made me laugh a lot because his touch was so magical...He was looking at me as if i was a mad man which technically i was. I was on all sorts of drugs and was loving it i felt free.

"What the fuck do they have you on?", JJ chuckled out as i danced around and he sat down and watched me which made me even more confident, i slowly went up to him and hovered over him before i started dancing (basically a lap dance if you haven't clicked on).

I brushed against his crotch area and his hands instantly flew up to my hips which gave me goosebumps, i did it again this time not meaning to and he made me sit on his lap my legs either side of him and i giggled like a little cheerleader girl, ugh i'm acting like a slut. He looked at me furious but also something else i couldn't quite tell.

I got really close to his face and he leaned in but i leaned back mad at him. He looked at me even angrier than i was but i wasn't going to give in. He was about to speak but i pushed my self away from him but he grabbed me again.

"Who's the faggot now huh? Yeah i remember what you called me you dick and now i have to fucking live with you when i get out of this shit hole", i growled and started hitting his chest and pushing him and just hitting him every way i could. Letting it all out.

I was about to throw another punch at his chest and he caught my hand, i breathed in and the drugs didn't have any effect no more...my energy must of been fuelling them because now i'm tired and feel shit. "Calm the fuck down", JJ commanded and i nodded going to get off him but he held me in place and placed my head on his chest and i guess you could say we were cuddling.

I listened to his heartbeats and soon you could see mine calm as well since i was still attatched to the monitor. "I'm sorry, you should go", i say pulling away and actually getting up this time and he looked kinda hurt. I smile sadly at him and he nodded, he stood up and kissed my forehead and walked off out the room. I let out a breath and slouched on the bed...god what the fuck?

I am Bi, i know i am and i know the lads back at home know even if i don't say it they know and i know JJ knows now. But god i know he isn't he goes away with girls every night and every time i used to see him with them i was jealous.

Not because it wasn't me with him but jealous because i wasn't normal and wasn't able to have a conversation with a girl without wanting to run away and hide and i just didn't find them attractive they just seemed weird to me and it was always the boys that got my interest but sometimes i just wished i wasn't Bi...saying bi even feels weird. i'm more gay if you must know but i have hope that there'll be a girl out there that will just get me and then i could be seen as straight and i could just be somewhat normal.

i get into bed and go to sleep since there wasn't anything else to do.

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