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Simon's POV-

I'm currently sat with all the gang watching a movie. I haven't said a word since what i was told two hours ago. Talia is alive, why would JJ make me think she's dead? Was this all a jealousy thing? Because if it was really not fucking cool.

"Are you ok?", Will whispers while handing me a drink, i shake my head a no and don't realise i'm crying until he takes me into his arms. I can't believe it, she's alive and she's good. I cry out of relief that she wasn't killed because of me.

Will leads me out of the movie room and to the kitchen. "Right come on we're going to cook, cooking always takes my mind away from all the booky shit that goes on in our lives", he says putting an apron on, which he doesn't realise it's a half nakes fat man. I start laughing until my stomach hurt, it just looks so ridiculous.

We decided to make pizza for everyone and we did it while singing and dancing. It was fun, it reminded me of how me and Talia used to do things.

"Hey we do this thing every year were we do a charity match do you wanna play?", will asks and i am shocked, he wants me to play? I nod happily and Will takes out his phone and types something in. "Done, we've got our numbers but there's numbers left. There is seven if you want it?", he asked and i nodded instantly. I love the number seven.

"Where is Talia?", i ask out of the blue and Will stops moving and slowly looks at me. He sighs and shakes his head. "Look mate i like you i do but i can't tell you everything", he says looking sorry, i nod and shout the others for pizza and soon they all come rushing down.

I get half a pizza and take it to mine and JJ's room, i take it he won't be moving so i'll bring it to him. I smile and see he is awake. I hand him the pizza then take a bite of mine. "I know by the way", JJ says and i look at him cautiously, i raise an eyebrow for him to carry on but he doesn't. "Know what Jide?", i ask seriously.
"What Will told you, Talia is safe and she is working for me, she has always been working for me but i needed to know if you knew that so yes i made it out as if i was going to kill her, when i called someone to murder her it was actually her on the phone", he says looking sorry, i could feel the lump in my throat. I lick my lips as they feel so dry, i have nothing to say to that.

So i nod, i put my pizza down and go to walk out of the room but JJ getting up well trying to get up stops me. I go over and put him back into the bed, he shouldn't be up right now. "You need rest, we've got the charity match in less than ten days, you need to rest for at least a week. Which is seven days by the way", i say smugly, calling him stupid without actually saying he's stupid. He rolls his eyes and drags me down onto the bed with him.

I sigh and let us have the moment, i know he's hurting right now so i try not to put too much pressure onto him i know it will hurt. "I should go JJ, i can't be putting so much weight on your wound", i whisper and he nods agreeing, this is how i know it was hurting because if it wasn't he wouldn't of let me go.

I smile and kiss his forehead lightly before taking the plate off the bed and putting it on the bedside table, i looked over and seen him drifting off. I knocked the light off and put a dim lit lamp on before leaving.

I head back down and seen Will and Cal discussing something serious, but they were whispering. "Hey, Jide is asleep. I'm going in the garden", i say binning my food, Cal looks at me warily but nods. Maybe it was because i was binning my food, or all of a sudden i wanted to go in the garden but nonetheless they let me go my way.

I really hope they are telling they truth about Talia, if they are i am glad she is alive but i also feel like i couldn't ever go near her again. She knew what was going on and is still going on. I sat on the chair swing thing and looked up into the sky. There was no stars out, the air was crisp and it felt nice on my hot skin.

**Day of the charity match**

We were all dressed in our black, young minds football kits. I learned that we do this match to keep people off our scent on why we are so rich, we want to come off as good innocent people to the people who are well innocent. The police, goverment, any other forces know who we are but we run them so they have no say, but say the kids that watch us they don't know.

We like that little bit of us that isn't seen as gangsters who want to blow everything up and kill everyone, i say this as if i am one of Jide's men. I'm not. This is just what i've learn in the last nine days. Jide was back on his feet and ready for this match more than ever. He literally hasn't shut up about it.

"Seven huh?", Jide asks looking at the back of my shirt, i smile and nod. "What about you big boy, what's ye number?", i joke kicking the ball to him and then backing up so we can have a quick game of pass it. "Twelve", he says kicking the ball back, i nod and pass it over to him.

"OK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IF YOU COULD TAKE YOUR SEATS AS ALL YOUTUBE ALLSTARS ARE ABOUT TO COME ONTO THE PITCH", this guy called TrueGeordie shouts. His voice is scary imagine how he looks!


That was amazing! JJ scored our last score and ran over and engulfed me in a hug as we all screamed. We all have the biggest smiles on our faces, so did i until i saw her. She was smiling and was with a man, he had his arm around her waist and they were shaking people's hands. She looked around and we caught eyes. She looked sad but then smiled and i slowly let go of JJ and ran to her.

I picked her up as if she would disapear into thin air any second. "I've missed you so much", she cried and i wipe her tears and hold her face. She doesn't look different at all.

"I have missed you too Tal".

KSIMON•MyMafia•Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ