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Simon's POV-

it had been three days since JJ had been and it was now thursday and i was being released and i had no clue how i was getting to JJ's house since i didn't know where it was...maybe i should ring Josh.

It went straight to voicemail, i sighed and just sat on the bed. Maybe they'll just turn up and pick me up. I put my phone on the table and decided to pack the things the lads brought with me the first night i was put in here. I didn't want to see JJ it was crazy to even think i was going to be living with him for even a couple hours never mind a year...well maybe the school will let me go home after a week or so i just have to be on my best shit...

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when someone came in the door...Ethan. I sighed in relief not wanting to face JJ yet it was still going to be extremely awkward seeing him. "I'm taking you to Jide's place, do you any help with bags?", Ethan asked softly and i nodded and then grabbed the crutches i dont know why they gave me them but they said it would help me keep my balance.

Ethan grabbed the two bags and then lead the way out which i followed silently. We got to his car and i saw all the bags in the back...is that all my stuff? "Hey Ethan...is this all mine?", i asked whilst he was putting the other two bags in and he just nodded. "Your computer, laptop well basically your youtube setup stuff is all at Jide's place in the room you'll be staying in", Ethan said and then opened the passenger side for me which i just nodded, said thank you and got in.

The ride was silent and i guess i was okay with that and i just let the silence and my thoughts roam and it was a very short ride. We came to a stop to a house which was very similar to the house i was staying in but it was a bit smaller but i'm not surprised, there is only JJ and Ethan in there and now me so it wouldn't be as big as the other one.

I got out and Ethan lead me inside and i sat on the couch the house was quite modern and nice but it looked a lot more expensive compared to my home. Ethan brought all my things in which then lead me to think where the fuck was JJ? Was he avoiding me? I don't blame him but i need to avoid him too but that's going to be hard when we are going to be staying in the same house.

"All done, i'm gonna head home. JJ should be back late don't wait up for him. There's loads of food so just eat whatever", Ethan said collecting his hoodie off the chair and i looked at him confused. "Wait you don't live here too?", i asked and he looked at me as if i was crazy but he just smiled and shook his head no. I nodded and slouched into the couch and he left.

I sighed and knocked the tv on and thankfully he had disney+ and i put captain america on and i decided to stay on the sofa since i felt too sore to go up the stairs. There was a blanket on the side of the couch so i decided to wrap my self in it and it smelt of him it was weird because i liked it and i know i shouldn't.

I laid down and soon enough i fell asleep.


I heard the door slam open and someone talking...must be JJ and there was another voice...a girl. Why am i not surprised? He came into the room where i was so i pretended to be asleep and he was mid sentence but then suddenly stopped speaking.

"Get out", JJ said and i didn't move hoping he wasn't talking to me which thankfully he wasn't. The girl had a bitch fit and then left not failing to slam the door extra hard. I jumped up and stared at JJ. He stared back and i couldn't find anything to say to him.

"You should go to bed", i breath out whilst laying back down on his couch but when i didn't hear him move nor speak i sat back up and yeah you guessed it he hadn't moved. I rolled my eyes and decided i'll just go to the room i was supposed to be staying but as i got up JJ tried to get a hold of me. It was soft and gentle but i still flinched which made him pull back from grabbing me.

He looked away and then i took it as my cue to go so i did. I looked into all four bedrooms until i saw one with all my belongings in and i closed and locked the door. I stripped out my clothes and go into the freshly made bed...wonder who did this room for me? JJ probably hired someone...i soon realised i was going to be up all night so i decided to go live on twitch and see what fans were up at this ridiculous time too.


It was 3:30 AM and i decided to end the live and go for something to eat and drink. I assume JJ is in bed asleep so i don't see why i can't but this whole avoiding him thing is really going to be hard. I still didn't have anything but boxers on but then again i'm the only one up so i shrug and go down the stairs to the kitchen.

I open the fridge and see bacon which makes me want a bacon butty so i set everything up and maybe knocking all the pans over making a big bang but I didn't hear JJ wake up so it can't have been that loud...right? I laugh it off and carry on making the sandwhich and then after eating that i decide on ice cream from the freezer and yes it had JJ's name on it but i doubt he'll die without it.

I sat on the kitchen island eating JJ's ice cream and on tiktok. "Your eating my ice cream", JJ's voice said loudly behind me i screamed and threw the ice cream all over the floor. He looked at me and i quickly started cleaning it up but i didn't get much chance before JJ picked me up and sat me on the table out of the way while he grabbed the mop and cleaned it up much quicker than i could ever.

I rolled my eyes...like i could do it my self he's making every excuse to touch me and mess with my head. He is just playing games with me and i hate it. I sigh and get up and run up the stairs to my room and lock the door. I have to try and stay as far as possible from him. Which is easier in school than here.

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