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It had been a week since Simon was shot. Shauna wouldn't get off my fucking case about spending too much time watching Simon. Obviously one of the lads had let loose about mine and Si's past i didn't give a fuck right now.

They say the chances of him waking up are slim but he should be waking up soon if he chooses to wake. He has brain activity though, that is the only fucking hope i have right now. I miss him, his laugh, his smile and he's snarky remarks. I miss the sexual tension every time he was in a room. I miss the jealousy that would run through me when he was with anyone but me. I miss it all.

"JJ i'm going back home...come on", Shauna commands, i roll my eyes at her and don't shift. I have my seat sat right next to Simon's left hand and i haven't let go unless i needed toilet. I was in clothes i wore that day, it was a suit and it was so fucking uncomfortable but what if i left and he died? Or he woke up and thought i abandoned him?

"JJ!", Shauna shouts and i look at her. I stare at her and i have nothing to say but she seems to have a lot to say and i don't have time to listen. "Fuck off", i say under my breath but she hears it. She hears fucking everything. She sighs hard and goes out the room not failing to slam the door on her way out...wish it fucking hit her on her way out.

I roll my eyes, i know i don't love Shauna or even like her like that. I just needed her as a public figure, make people secure on the thought of me being straight. I'd be a fucking laughing stock if they found out i was gay after just winning a fight. But i did want Simon, i wanted Simon in my arms when they announced my win. I wanted him kissing me for the public eye to see, i wanted his support but instead i blocked him out. He got pissed and he and Harry thought it would be funny to act up.

If he was with me he would've been behind me and wouldn't of got hurt but no...instead he was on the stage alone with no protection. It's my fault.

I held his hand and i felt him move...but when i looked up he was still asleep. I groaned and put my head down on the bed, this has to stop. I "feel" him move and then he isn't and i get my hopes u-

"Get off my hand and get me some water", a very croaky and shaky voices says. I shoot my head up and see Simon...AWAKE. He smiles at me weakly and then looks at the night stand with water on. I quickly get him it and he downs it.

"How are you feeling?", i ask gently and he smiles and nods. "Better than i felt....how long ago did this happen?", he asks pointing to his stomach. I sigh and look at him sadly, "a week ago", i reply and he nods sadly.

"No one else was hurt right?", he asks quickly and i see the panic flash through his eyes and i shake my head a no and place my hands on his shoulders. He nods and sighs with relief and smiles slightly.

"When can we go home Jide? I want our bed", he mumbles moving trying to get comfy. I nod and get up to go see the nurses about discharging paper.

JJ gets up and wonders off some where...hopefully to get me out of here. I can feel the pain in my stomach but i don't know how it happened. I don't want to ask since JJ seems so upset and like he hasn't slept in days, he still has his suit on meaning he hasn't changed....smelly bitch.

I laugh at my comment and in that moment i felt pain. It was like someone was poking my insides and i was awake while they were doing it. JJ came in smiling and two nurses followed. "Come on Princess time to go home, the cars waiting outside. I've got clothes of mine you can put on", JJ smiles and handing me the clothes.

"We could help you change if you want Mr Minter", one of the nurses said flirting, she and her friend were obviously here to flirt and be dirty and all but i didn't think anything of it. "I will help him now please leave while i help MY boyfriend change", JJ near enough shouts at the poor women.

They both nod and leave and JJ turns to me and helps me out of bed. "Boyfriend huh?", i smirk and he just rolls his eyes and kisses my cheek...he has been better lately. He undo's the tie on my hospital gown and slips it off me and i'm met with very cold air.

"I'm freezing Jide please can i have a hoodie or something?", i ask shivering still once he puts a shirt on me. He smiles and grabs his hoodie. He slips it over my head and ties the not making sure it keeps all the heat in. He helps me put his joggers on which were massive on me but it's fine.

"Ready?", he ask and i nod, he helps me up with my shaky legs but i can't stand for a second without feeling i'm going to fall to the ground. He sighs and stands for a second thinking... he does exactly what i thought he was going to do.

He picks me up bridal style and walks to the exit. There was Josh and some girl i didn't recognise. "Who's that JJ? Is she your girlfriend?", i question slightly pulling away from him. I know i won't be able to walk without his support but i don't need to be sat with his girlfriend right fucking now.

"She isn't my girlfriend, just be quiet", he whispers harshly...I hit a nerve. Great. I roll my eyes and he sees it. "Carry on rolling them and i'll give you a reason for them to roll back all fucking night long", JJ whispers in my ear. I blush and hide in his chest pretending i'm tired so the two who are waiting for us don't see.

"Oh so he finally woke up. Great that means me and my baby can now go on holiday", the girl said, her voice was so fucking annoying.

"Shauna-", JJ was cut off by the girl kissing him while i was sit being carried. I pushed JJ away meaning the bitch went stumbling back. I got on my own feet even though JJ kept trying to grab me and i limped to Josh which gratefully let me use him as a support.

"Can we go home?", i whispered and Josh nodded. I looked at JJ and he was too busy getting his face sucked off. I rolled my eyes and told Josh they can make their own way home, JJ has enough money to buy all the taxi companies we know.

So her name was fucking Shauna. I hate fucking hospitals i swear everything bad just happens.

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