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Simon's POV-

We had settled into the new cabin and me and JJ were bunking together. There was a sofa in the room so i decided i'll be sleeping on that and then JJ can have the bed. We were all currently eating some sort of curry Vik and Tobi offered to make and it was fucking amazing.

I got full easy though and i didn't want to seem ungrateful so when i felt sick i excused my self to the bathroom and stuck my fingers down my throat. It wasn't pretty and it wasn't perfect but it worked. It made me more hungry, i head back downstairs to the kitchen but i was stopped by the sight of a ...disappointed Harry.

We stared at each other for a little while before he called JJ out from the kitchen. Shit. "What's up?", JJ asked smiling but his smile soon faded when he saw how sad i was and the look on Harry's face. "He made himself sick", Harry muttered looking and turning away from me and JJ. I looked at the floor, i knew JJ would be mad.

I heard footsteps come towards me then someone grabbing my upper arm and bringing me into the kitchen. It was JJ of course. He sat me down in the seat next to his then put my food back in front of me. "Your going to fucking finish it then we're going to fucking bed and you won't be going anywhere alone anymore. You are to be with someone at all times, under fucking stood everyone?", JJ shouted at the guys and they all nodded confused.

I start to eat again when i felt a hand on my leg, i look down and see it was JJ's. I didn't look at him, he was mad at me and probably would start screaming at me if i looked at him.

We ate in silence from then on, i'm not surprised JJ was scary when he was mad. We all cleaned up then i was being dragged upstairs with JJ. I mentally groaned. It was late and he's going to want to talk about what happened. I just want to sleep.

"Why?", JJ asked once he closed the door. I sighed and looked at him. "Why what?", i acted dumb hoping he'd leave it but of course JJ being JJ he doesn't.
"YOU KNOW WHAT", he shouts and i jump taken back by his outburst. I nodded and sat down on the sofa. I didn't know what to say so i didn't. "Please just tell me", JJ muttered sitting on the bed a safe distance away from me.

"I don't know, i get full easily and i ate half the plate and it wasn't sitting right. If i hadn't made my self sick i wouldn't be sat here talking. I'd be a mess", i stated going over to the balcony. It was freezing but refreshing. JJ came out and stood next to me.
"It has to stop", JJ whispered and i nodded. I'm skin and bones so i know his point of view. Thinking of skin and bones made me think of the song Yellow by Coldplay. I started humming it and JJ seemed to know the song too.

"You should listen to that song more carefully", JJ said, he kissed my temple before going back into the bedroom. I don't know what he means by that but i'll figure it out i mean i have nothing to do so i have all the time in the world.

I went in and set up a blanket on the sofa. Just as i did JJ came out of the bathroom and looked at me as i had three heads. "Your sleeping in the bed", he stated as he fixed the pillows on his side of the bed. "I'm fine here", i said laying down and facing away from him.

I had nightmares, he would rip the piss out of me if he found out. I sighed and close my eyes, i can hear him moving about doing something that is probably stupid. I miss Talia, i miss seeing her smile in the morning. Her saving me from all the nightmares, i miss hearing her say Si. I never liked that nickname but for her i made it work.

I got up and walked out the room. I can't sleep in the same room as someone who murdered her. I sat on the kitchen island eating Ben&Jerry's ice cream. It was nice, i loved cookie dough. I was eating the whole tub i don't care there was other flavours in the freezer. I headed to the cinema room and to my surprise there was Calfreezy with his own tub of cookie dough ice cream...it wasn't Ben&Jerry's so i bet it's shit.

I'm joking. I am not some cunt who judges something whether it was branded or not. "Hey", i said and Cal turned and smiled. He moved over on the blow up bed thing so i took it as my cue to join him. He had Fast and Furious on, i'm not sure which was one probably 9? 8? No clue. It was looking good there so we both sat in silence eating ice cream and watched the stupid action movie.

It was comfortable with Cal. It didn't feel awkward or tense but the thought of he's working with JJ did stay in the back of mind. What if he kills like JJ? Gives oders like JJ? But he doesn't seem as bad as JJ so i decided to stay and enjoy the company.

Once the movie was finished he put Deadpool on and i ran to the kitchen to get us some crisps and drinks. I ran right into a fucking wall...never mind i ran into Josh and JJ. "What the fuck...oh hey", i say rubbing my nose. They look at me as if im fucking crazy.

"What's up?", i ask.
"We're tracking who ate all the cookie dough ice cream...can't say it was you. You can't even take a bit of healthy curry nevermind something hundred calories", JJ spat angrily.
"Woah woah JJ chill. What he means is did you eat the ice cream or do you know anyone who did?", Josh asks and i was about to answer when an arm came around my waist.

"Yeah it was me and Si here", Cal says and i smile hearing my nickname. It was nice to hear it from someone who i didn't know enough about to run away from yet. I take Cal's wrist and we head for the kitchen before anymore shit happens.

Cal smiles at me and we both burst out laughing. We're insane. He grabs some drinks and i grab packs of crisps as if we were moving for days. We hurried back to the movie room but to our disappointment JJ and Josh were sat there, i scowled and looked at Cal. "We can take this to my room?", he whispers and i nod and smile. JJ seems to hear and glares at us...he's jealous.

I smile knowing how much fun teasing JJ is going to be.

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