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Simon's POV-

Fight day. Fight or flight right? We were all in JJ's changing room. It was crazy how much JJ's body and mindset had changed over the last weeks and months but it was for the better and for this fight. It's november ninth and we're all in LA. It's some where i had never been but the others seemed pretty familiar with it.

It was two hours to the match and JJ wasn't here. Did he run? Was he in some mafia gang trouble? Should we really all be here? Like anyone could be out to kill us and then that means we're all in the perfect place for it to happen and they could bomb and kill us here all at once. Wow yeah i know overthinking right.

My thoughts were cut short when the door opened. Viddal, JJ's trainer, came in and followed by a very upset looking JJ. We could see he can been crying. "Everyone out", JJ says and we all look at each other before Harry nods and we all go. "Si can you hold back", Viddal asks, i look at JJ to see if this was ok and he nods. I look at the boys and they all leave us. "I'll be outside", Viddal says and i nod.

"What is wrong?", I ask. He looks like a normal person if they killed someone, but JJ isn't normal and he kills for a fucking living so for something to have him like this scares the fucking gods out of me. "I like you Simon, but there's something i have to ask", JJ says sadly. I am so confused. "Ask it then", i mumble.
"Have you been a rat to the Italians?", he asks with some sort of tone i can't tell if he's mad, sad, or crazy. He has to be crazy right?

I don't have the sources or the guts to be a fucking rat to the Italians, even if i was it would be a good start if i knew who the fuck they are.

I scoff at him and go to the door but before i could open it i was yanked back. "ANSWER ME", he screams in my face. I was taken back, more than ever. He hasn't spoke to me like this in so long. "No i'm not, i don't even know who the fuck the fucking italians are but fucken hell do you think i could have the time and sources to be fucking double crossing you? Yeah i didn't fucking think so, now let me fucking go", i seethe and he lets go, he was hurt and he looked shocked.

I didn't leave i just stood there, he didn't say anything either. He stared at his feet and for a minute i thought he wasn't breathing because of how quiet the room got. I sighed and took his hand in mine. "You have a fight in less than two hours, you should get prepped, showered and changed right?", i ask softly because i'm scared if i was too mean he would snap me in half and throw me to narnia and back.

He nods and smiles at me, i smile back and get him a towel. "Here go shower, i'll be right here when you get out", i say and he looks at me so intensely. He leaned in and kissed me, he was shy but when i kissed back we were getting into a very hot aggressive makeout. "We should stop, you need to shower", i muster out as JJ plants another kiss on my lips. I honestly could kiss him all day.

"Yeah yeah your right, lets shower princess", he mumbles whilst kissing my neck, i groan as he knows that wasn't what i meant. "I don't have spare clothes JJ, so go get a shower on your own", i whisper as he taps my side and jumps and he catches me. "Take them off then", he says hungrily, i moan as he tightens his grip on my arse. I'm surprised these pants haven't ripped yet. I take off his shirt and he tugs my suit jacket off.
"You look so good dressed up in a suit baby, but all these clothes looks so better on the floor", he says as he drops me back to my feet and takes my tie and shirt off. I slip my shoes off as he does the same, he took my pants off all still while kissing me and making me a moaning mess.

I hope to god Viddal got the hint and just put some bodyguard i'll never see again there instead of Viddal standing there, someone i see nearly everyday. We were both now very naked and making our way to the shower. He knocked it on and shoved me against the shower wall. The water was very warm and refreshing. He dragged kisses up and down my body and then connected again with my lips.

"We need to wash your hair", i breathed out and he nodded, he let me down on my own feet and i grabbed the first bottle that said Shampoo. I drizzled the cold gel feeling on my hand and then reached up and washed his hair. I played with his hair a little which he seemed to like and then he turned around and washed my hair. I smiled and kissed him and we just kinda washed each other whilst hugging, i don't know how to say it but it sounds weird but it was very nice.

"OK you two break it up, you better not be fucking", i heard Josh shout and then all the lads laugh...then i heard Talia's laugh. I let go of JJ and shushed him. You see in the last months of JJ's training me and Talia have been getting it on, if she seen me and JJ right she would go mad. "Hey guys Simon left like five mins ago, i'm getting changed now and then can one of youse get me some cream for my legs", JJ blindly distracts them, they all say yeah and byes and leave.

JJ gets out first and to make sure everyone is gone, "You can come out". JJ sounded pissed. I grabbed one of the many towels and began to pick my things up. I like JJ and JJ is my type but Talia thinks i went through a phase of being gay. She thinks we're loved up, she is a very different person from the person i was living with.

I quickly dress and style my hair whilst JJ has a shit or something. He then went and got changed into sweats since he didn't need to be in his fighting outfit for another hour or so. I checked my self in the mirror again before putting my shoes on. Until i realised i could only see one shoe, "JJ where's my other shoe?", i call out and he grumbles something but i don't get a real answer.

I go back to the bench bit in the changing room and see my shoe under one of the benches...one of the lads could've seen this and they know JJ wouldn't of been wearing these kind of fancy shoes. Fucksake. "JJ one of them could of seen this, we need to be more careful", i sigh finishing tying my shoe lace. He rolls his eyes and opens his phone. I look over to him and before i go over and kiss him i lock the door. No more surprises.

I sit next to him and it's awkward. He doesn't say anything. "Are you ok?", i ask whispering, he looks at me and he stares which seems forever. "Tell me how to breath and work properly and live when i don't have you to myself? I believe in us Si, but i know you don't. We do this every once in a while and then you hate me again, i can't keep doing this", he says sadly, his eyes brim with tears and he falls onto my shoulder...i never knew he felt like this.

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