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It was time. I was going back to my house, to graduate in three months, i was coming home early due to the fact i was failing and the school knew i wasn't studying now i was a rapper and somewhat of a youtuber.

Simon made a disstrack. So did ethan. And vik. Harry made two. I made a couple. Deji too. We were all in the shitter and we had to go to school non stop for extra hours as well for the next three months and on top of that the fear of being held behind and doing another full year is still on the table of considerations.

The taxi pulled up to the house, i pictured the day Simon was wheeled out on a stretcher. Someone giving his lifeless body CPR, hanging the blood bag and shocking him three times, pushing multiple doses of EPI in his legs since his arms were so fucked up.

I never believed Deji but i needed and still need a reason to hate Simon, and Deji gave me one. I paid the fair of the taxi and got out and got my suitcase too. I waved the taxi off and went to the front door. I didn't have keys, it was past seven oclock surely simon would be home...but i was wrong.

I have sat here for four fucking hours, where the hell could Simon be at this time. My questions are answered when i see his slim figure appear on the drive way. He stops dead in his tracks and stares...more like gawks at me. "Hey Tal, i'll call you after my shower and everything....yeah i'm fine bye...bye i love you too", he says almost breathless.

He straightens out nonetheless he grabs the keys from his pocket and steps right past me...so we're back to ignoring and not talking. That makes my job a lot easier. I go in after him, make sure the door is locked and then go to my room.

Everything was how i left it...apart from my bed. It was a mess when i left and now it was neatly made which new sheets on. I sighed, i must be just thinking of another time i left my bed a mess and i must of made it before i left for LA.

I unpacked everything whilst humming a song. I soon smelt the delicious smell of food....in that moment my stomach made a gargle noise i had never heard before. It had been a day since i ate a proper meal...then it hit me. Simon won't have made me anything, i will wait for him to go to his room before i leave and go make something myself.

I started writing a speech for the whole KSI vs LOGAN part 2. Me and him were never going to settle for a tie. I was about to start typing when there was a small knock at my door. I put the macbook down and opened my door.

There he was. In all his mighty. He looked a bit better, skinnier though. Not that i could tell an awful lot he was wearing such baggy clothes. I looked down to his hands to see two plates of spaghetti bolognese, i smiled and took it off him. I muttered a thanks and opened the door for him to come in but he shook his head vigorously. He turned sharp on his heel and went to his room.

I closed my door and dug into the food. There was quite a lot on my plate...i wonder how much he made if  we could both have such a big portion. I'll go ask him, i hope he hasn't been struggling with money or anything like that.

I finished the food and put the plate on my desk and headed to Simon's room, but before i could get there i heard shuffling in the bathroom. Which then was followed by the sound of gagging and someone throwing up. Simon.

I cracked the door open slightly, not enough that he could see me but enough so i could see him and the sight was everything in one. Sad, infuriating, sickening, depressing, and then this other thing. I feel it in the pit of my stomach everytime when i think of what Si did to himself. Right now.

"Simon", i shouted and he stopped. He was crying and shaking and stuttering to even get up on his own two feet. This really has to stop.

"Oh JJ...I- i was just not feeling well after that food, it was a big plate of food right?", he sounded unsure more like he was trying to convince me. He didn't need to, i saw what i saw and this lad isn't okay.

"Come on, to bed you go", i whisper putting my arm around him and guiding him to his room, he seemed hesistant but he didn't have a choice. "Ok JJ i can put my self to bed, you don't need to come in", Simon stated nervously...like he was hiding something.

I scoffed at him and pushed past him. Quite aggressively. But the sight in front of me was not what i was expecting. It was an absolute mess. Clothes, rubbish, paper, shoes, you name it and it was Simon's floor. Apart from one thing. Food. Plates.

I looked over at his mini bin and saw the bolognese. He couldn't have eaten half of it. I heard a whimper from behind me and i saw simon crying. Silently. "Why is it like this Si?", i ask gently. He shrugged and walked down the stairs and plopped on the sofa. I did the same.

We sat in silence for half an hour not uttering a word.

"I tried to kill my self...i failed at that. Deji was correct all along. But i didn't want you to get back at him. I wanted death more than i wanted either of you, more than i wanted anything in this life. But you left me in a big empty house for three months".

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