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Simon's POV-

I don't know who this guy was but he creeped me the fuck out. He just sat there reading a book, not one word. Like i know books are books but sitting there and reading some shitty shakespeare shit for nearly two hours? Yeah no.

Where the fuck was JJ? It had been ages since he left. "HELP", someone from downstairs shouted and then there was a load of banging and footsteps. I ran down and saw people surrounding around someone. I pushed my way through and seen JJ laying there bleeding.

"What the fuck happened?", i shouted at Cal and Josh who are trying to aid them but it's like watching a newborn roll around. Fucking useless. I push them aside and start working on JJ, i can remember Talia giving me Medical lessons after her shifts every night. I can remember telling me about a stabbing wound and how to help and aid them.

"Get me a first aid kit, scissors, a very sharp knife and a lot of gauze, if you dont have a lot get some towels", i shout and everyone starts going crazy grabbing the stuff i listed. I quickly packed the wound to stop it from bleeding then gave my self a second to breathe.

Talia said for any wound to be sewn up it needs to be clean and in a line. I grabbed the knife and made the wound a little bit larger and in a line. I got the sewing medical thing and starting sewing his skin back together. JJ was out but this was going to hurt when he woke up. I poured alcohol over it and smiled at my work.

"He needs to be in bed. Can you guys lift him to his room?", i ask and they all nod and get him carefully. We all went up the stairs and they laid him on the messy bed. I hadn't moved from the bed in ages so it looked a mess. I smiled at the guys as they left, leaving JJ to rest.

"You were good, who taught you?", i turn around to see Will at the door. I take in his question and frown.
"Talia taught me", i whisper. His face drops, i look at him confused...he knows something. "What's going on?", i ask walking up to him. Will looks uneasy and sighs sadly.

"Walk with me", he says finally, i look at JJ and he's sound asleep. I nod and we leave the room, he leads me to the garden and we sit on the swing chair.
"I'm about to tell you something that is crazy, mad and unbelievable", Will says worried. I nod taking in a breath.

"Talia's not dead".

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