Chapter Four: Rude Awekenings

Start from the beginning

I'm stupid to have thought he would even give me a fraction of his time. To him I must be a nuisance he can't wait to be rid off. What was I thinking by buying him cake and coming to his house this early in the morning? Clearly nothing will result from this. I am so stupid! I should have gone for his entire pay check!

Ferrer's POV

"Who was that?" Misha asked me with her usual distrustful expression.


"Who is Lorraine? With you a name is not enough. Is she one of your bimbos?"

I would hardly consider Lorraine a bimbo. She's very smart, sometimes even more than she lets on.

"We have been dating for six months, haven't we?" I asked her.


"And you still want me to account for every woman who speaks to me."

She narrowed her brown eyes at me. "She was outside your house for an hour! I saw her! She came with cake! She was obviously looking forward to you letting her into the house! Yes! I want you to account for it! Who is Lorraine really?"

"My ex." I answered. "Somewhat."

She's more than that.

"Ex? When did you date her?"

"Eleven years ago." I got dressed. Misha kept her fierce eyes on me as I prepared for work. She doesn't trust me. I don't blame her. There was a time in my life I used to go through women quicker than I go through my scrubs. I'm not that man anymore. I'm trying not to be even if once in a while I suffer a fatal weakness for a beautiful woman. I like Misha a lot. I'm trying to be like my friends and settle down. I don't want to be alone for much longer. All my friends have settled down. "It's nothing."

"I don't want to see her around here ever again." She doesn't even live here yet and she is alreymaking rules. "If you want this to work, there is no room for any other women."

Relationships are frustrating. This is why I preferred keeping things casual.

"Are we still on for dinner tonight?"

"Did you hear what I said?" She questioned. Lorraine is bossy but not like this. Lorraine's is sort of fun.

"I'm not deaf." I responded. "Dinner or not?"

She stormed off.

I guess not.

I finished getting ready. I packed up what I need for work. She works with me at the hospital. She is the head of the paediatric department. It's ironical that I don't like children but I'm in a relationship with a woman who works with them.

"I'm leaving! Lock up please!" I called out to her.

On my way out when I was driving past the bin, I saw a sheet of paper hanging on the bin. I stopped my car to pick it. It's her handwriting. I recognize that mess of words anywhere. She has the original doctor's handwriting. It's some sort of a guideline. I went through it trying to read the words. She sincerely wanted to talk and I was a jerk ass about it.

The cake is inside the bin. She doesn't like sweet things.

I messed up.

I thought of calling her but I decided against it. She must be upset. I'll just see her later.

My typical day involves surgeries, dealing with headstrong surgeons who play god and endless paperwork. It's piles and piles of paperwork. Occasionally, malpractice suits.

"Doctor, I'm sorry to bother you." The nurse peeked in. "I need confirmation on the flowers."

I'm not sure if Lorraine likes flowers. I want to call Kei and ask but she will get involved in my affairs. "What do you send someone you have upset?"

The Romanov Series Book #1: My Rogue Girlfriend Where stories live. Discover now