Dumbledore had watched Harrison's interactions during his first year and had been surprised when he befriended not only a Longbottom but a muggleborn. He had thought for sure the Slytherins were going to pull a cruel joke when he saw Harrison speaking to Hermione Granger. He had been taken aback upon seeing them truly become friends. Never in his life would he have thought the son of Tom Riddle would happily befriend muggleborns or even Hufflepuffs. Dumbledore had observed Harrison's growing friendships with Susan Bones and even shockingly the Weasley twins. Some of the Slytherins in his year didn't seem happy with his choice in friends, such as Draco Malfoy. However Daphne Greengrass and a few others didn't seem to mind so much.

Because Harrison seemed so different from his father Dumbledore had been willing to allow him onto the Slytherin house Quidditch team. Tom hadn't played Quidditch in school, in fact he thought it was a frivolous waste of time. Dumbledore thought that one more difference between the two would be a good thing. Harrison seemed to thrive at the sport just like he did with everything else.

Dumbledore had been shocked and suspicious upon learning that Tom adopted Luna Lovegood when it was his Death Eaters that killed her father. It was one thing for him to have his own child it was another thing entirely to adopt someone else's child when you were the one that made them an orphan. He had tried to have the custody of Luna switched to someone else but with Lucius Malfoy and half of the ministry backing it, it was a lost cause. He had made sure to assess the girl when she arrived at Hogwarts. She was sorted into Ravenclaw which had been a surprise, he had thought she'd be in Slytherin. According to Filius she was extremely intelligent and far above her classmates. He had thought about calling her to his office to observe her for himself, but without a reason to he didn't have an excuse. Dumbledore didn't know yet what Tom was planning with her but he wasn't going to stop until he found out.

Dumbledore could still remember the day he realized the Philosopher's Stone was missing. He had learned from Minerva that Quirinus was missing and he immediately entered the chamber on the third floor. He had been furious to find the stone gone. He hadn't yet been able to finish the final protection, the Mirror of Erised stood off to the side of the large chamber and the stool the stone had once been on was void of the blood red stone. Dumbledore had cast spell after spell and searched the room for hours before coming to the horrible conclusion that the stone was gone. He knew then that his suspicions had been right, Quirinus had been sent by Tom to get the stone. He didn't want to think about what he could do with the stone. Dumbledore knew about the Horcruxes but that didn't mean the stone would be useless to Tom. He could use the stone to make his Death Eaters immortal or at the very least heal their fatal wounds. Not to mention that the stone could turn any metal into gold.

Dumbledore had been forced to tell the Flamel's that their stone was gone. Nicolas had been furious and in the end Dumbledore swore to get it back. He spent weeks sending out members of the Order to various locations he thought Tom might've hidden the stone but to no avail. Nicolas and his wife died a few weeks before the start of Harrison's second year, and Dumbledore felt grief because he knew it was partially his fault. He still felt sick every time he thought about Tom possessing the stone. A part of him wondered if Harrison knew about it, but he didn't give it much thought. He didn't think Tom would trust a child with a secret as important as that, and Tom had always been one to keep things to himself.

Dumbledore's mind wandered to the reason he was sitting where he was. The Chamber of Secrets was opened once more, a chamber that hadn't been opened since Tom Riddle's sixth year at Hogwarts. He could remember the day Myrtle died like it had just happened, he knew it had been Tom who opened the chamber but he had no proof. Armando would never have believed a student like Tom could be capable of something so horrible. On Halloween when Dumbledore saw the words on the stone wall written in blood declaring the chamber open once more his eyes couldn't help but be drawn to Harrison.

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