chapter thirty

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dear cass,
thank you for supplying
all the harry photos for
the headers :)



present day
august 20th 2014- no pov

alex was running around setting everything up, making sure everyone was ready. the boys just waited backstage.

"wheres niall? this whole thing was for him!" alex ran into the shared dressing room scanning for the only irish lad.

harry shot the man a glance "chemo" was all that came out of his mouth before returned to the boys.

surely enough niall walked through the door with a smile on his face, cass followed behind him "we have arrived!"

"ive never seen so many screaming fans in real life before, thats insane" cass looked to be in awe of it all. everyone let out a small laugh.

soon they heard screaming and crying and chanting. the fans mustve been inside the O2. once again the door swung open revealing some pretty hyper australians.

"this place is packed!" micheal spoke first, all bouncy. ashton sat next to liam and zayn, as luke leaned against the wall and michael well... he couldnt keep still.

harry had louis' head in his lap, playing with the light brown hair, and niall was in the other corner of the room talking to cass.

everyone was very occupied with their 'preshow jitters' while the fans cheers grew louder and louder.

niall had walked cass down to the VIP area of the crowd before sitting down next to the almost couple(?)

"harryyyyyy" he whined "i need you to do something for me" a cheeky smiled was thrown to the younger one.

"yes ni?"

"because this concert is for me, can you and lou... i dont know- be really obvious?"

louis stared at the former blonde with a curious look, well so did harry himself "what the hell do you mean?" the donny accent very confused.

"its for me" was all niall spoke before all nine boys were called to the stage. one direction were to open the show, then a few songs in 5sos would join them.

the house lights dimmed, the crowd only got louder. four of the five members walked on stage, the other going under the stage.

soon enough the lights turned red and harry started singing, the crowd was wild. the energy within the place was incredible.

harry had forgotten what it was like preforming after not doing it for so long. adrenaline kicking in as the screaming got louder, his heart racing faster then before.

the intro to 'best song ever' started playing, the lights still dark. but harry was in the middle of everyone- with that he grabbed the first water bottle he saw and took a sip.

the lights flashed on and he leaned back to spit the water out- what his fans called the whale. they went nuts.

"MAYBE ITS THE WAY HE WALKED" he yelled into the mic, then pointed it at the crowd who shouted 'OW'

they all screamed realizing he didnt sing the 'correct' lyric. which made niall nudge him with a thumbs up and a huge ass smile on his face.

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