chapter twenty three

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hope you guys enjoyed the small niall pov:)

dear cass,
hopefully i can start working
with you, and annoy you hehe

also, anyone remember the exact day jay and dan got married? because like i know it was july, but it i dont think they said the actual date.

so imma just make up i date towards end on july🤠🤚

TW// suicide, panic/anxiety attack, self harm, eating disorders, drugs, abuse, mental breakdown, alcohol.

(yeah a lot happens this chapter, take a breather if needed!)

present day
june 22nd 2014 -no pov

"yes jay, we have everything under control. please go relax with the earnest and doris"

"im sorry im just nervous is all!" the woman worried a little "i will get out of your hair, thank you harry"

the line went dead, just at that moment everyone but niall walked through the flat door. louis walking out of his kitchen carrying a tray of snacks.

"mum again?" louis asked as everyone tugged their shoes off and entered the dinning area.

"yeah, shes still nervous saying its 'too much for you to handle!' but she knows it really isnt" harry leaned back in his chair, as louis say down.

"you now, your mum does have a point tommo" liam spoke sitting down. with zayn holding his hand?

maybe harry was just seeing things. although he was sure he saw that zayn almost sat on liams lap.

"how? she has new borns! plus i dont like her under that amount of stress" louis sat next to harry, placing  his small hand on the boys shaking thigh.

"right boys" adam cleared his throat, before liam got to respond "we have actually got some people going to interview simon. we said it was for an article on-"

"what do you mean?" zayn asked.

christine clicked her pen closed then proceeded to explain "we have a team that are pretending to work for some news article. about how far you boys have come. now- we will be filming audio only. but!" she stopped opening her binder.

"we will compare this interview with some of louis' footage. so we can share exactly how fake everything he does and says is"

the room was silent, harrys leg still shaking "um, would other artists under syco and modest be on the stand too?" louis sounded curious.

"you want you want to het in contact with other artists by all means, if they dont want to testify we wont make them"

"sorry i need a breather" the green eyed boy spoke quick before removing the small hand from his thigh, walking out the room.

he opened the sliding glass door which led to a patio that over looked the city. he reached into his jean pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

as he lit the chemical stick, he looked down onto the streets of london- just wondering what it would be like if he fell over the railing and crashed onto cemet.

he would be with sam, he would be free of this life- not like he hated it... he loves preforming its just simon and the whole management.

letting the toxic chemicals once again fill his lungs he called niall. the one person who (besides louis) could distract him from all his stress.

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