Last chapter 🤝

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A/n- honestly thank you guys so much for the reads, it means a lot, it's kinda sad, this book is coming to and end but like if u guys want a sequel or something then maybe I'll do that. Who knows but comet like crazy and enjoy!
Also this chapter is long, like quite long.

(2 months later- 3 days before Christmas)

The entire compound smelled like Christmas, I walked downstairs and everyone looked happy. It was a nice sight, I grabbed my Santa hat and swung it over my head and made my way over to my family, in the kitchen was Wanda and she was baking cookies.

"Need any help?" I asked and she nodded so I hopped on over to give her a hand

"Just roll out that dough and then use whatever cutter you want." She smiled at me and I nodded and began to work, I placed each cookie onto the tray and put them into the oven. I also wiped down the surface and laid out the decorations, we had red, white and green icing with lots of different sprinkles. The timer beeped after 10 minutes and I placed the oven gloves over my hand before opening the hot oven, I took them out and placed them on the cooling rack and inhaled the smell.

"Those smell good, can I have on..." I sapped clints hand before he could take one, he looked annoyed at me and whined like a child.

"Just let us decorate." I said

"Let me help." He grabbed the icing and we started smoothing out layers of buttercream onto the golden cookies, I looked over at Clint whose surprisingly looked really good and not like shit?

"Wow those actually look good." Instead of retaliating my sarcastic comment he took it as a compliment and thanked me back.

"So are you excited for the Christmas Eve party tomorrow?" I asked Wanda and she went red and I furrowed my brows at her in confusion.

"Why you so red for?" I tease her and she rolls her eyes at me

"Vision says he has a surprise for me and im just really excited for that." She says with an uncontrollable grin on his face

"I look forward to seeing his surprise." We both continue decorating our cookies until a bunch of sweaty avengers come into the kitchen, I scrunch my nose at the smell they're giving off and they all breathe loudly.

"Did you guys have an orgy or something?" I say and Nat laughs with me whilst they all look disgusted

"Maybe Sam and Bucky but we just spent 25 minutes chasing after something." My dad says out of breathe and I give him a questioning look.

"Well good to know you're all still virgins then." I tease and they roll their eyes, at that moment I hear a loud noise outside and we all jog over to the window to see what happened.

"Brother you could have warned me!!" I smile widely when I see Thor and Loki walking outside and into the building, I run out and hug them both tightly.

"IM so glad to see you guys." I scream at them and they both let out small laughs

"You are the only mortal I can stand." Loki says

"Aww Loki, complementing me are you?" I tease and he rolls his eyes at me but smiles shortly afterwards, we walk inside and I watch as the avengers reunite with the two annoying gods.

"So what are the plans for today?" Loki asks me, I walk with him upstairs and explain the day

"Well it's Christmas Eve eve so we're going to have a nice dinner and then watch Christmas movies until we fall asleep." I say and he smiles a little and nods, we all sit around the living room talking about our plans and presents.

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