School trip snd revenge on Flash

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It was the day of the school trip, I was excited, not that my school would be at my house but the fact that Flash would get his revenge today. I had already told everyone of the plan and they seemed to like it.

We all sat at the back of the bus waiting patiently for the building to come into sight, it was hilarious to the 4 of us to hear the gasps and excitement from the rest of my classmates. I mean it was a nice place but seeing it everyday takes away the beauty of it. When the bus came to a complete stop, we all climbed out in a single file, why? I have no clue.

"Hello everyone." Everyone screamed as Black Widow stood in-front of us, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Oh hey guys." She looked over at me and my friends and everyone was now fan girling over her. I mean I can't blame them, she was a bad bitch and I loved her.

"I'm gonna be you're your guide today but before we go in we need to collect some visitor passes." We all followed her inside to the main area, we grabbed our badges and made our way to the security gates.

Everyone swiped their cards against the machine whereas me and my friends walked through.

"HEY, hey they didn't swipe their cards."Flash screamed, he made everyone groan but Nat juts gave him a bittersweet smile.

"Oh right, they don't passes, also could you shut up, your very loud." Everyone erupt into laughter and Flash went bright red, after we were done we all walked into the main lift and Friday took us up to the lower labs.

This was where the fun begins

Stepping out of the elevator, in front of us stood my dad and Uncle Bruce, everyone began to whisper and fanboy and the two looked annoyed already but I gave my dad a nod and he smiled instantly.

"Hi midtown tech, I'm Bruce banner, and this is- well you know who he is." Everyone laughed and before we got onto the tour my dad paused

"Hey kid, can u go back downstairs and get me a coffee please." We all turned to see that my dad was pointing at Flash, he looked smug and held his shoulders and head up high.

"Sure Mr Stark." He looked so cocky and everyone just groaned, he nudged Peter on the way and I saw Bruce go slightly green but he controlled himself.

The tour was going great and everyone seemed to be having a good time until we heard a high pitch scream coming from the elevator, everyone ran over to see what was happening. I stayed behind with my friends and family and we all smirked and asked Friday to pull out footage.

Flash's POV

Ha, Tony Stark asked me to go get him some coffee, he obviously likes me more and there's no way that y/n is his daughter. She probably just paid him or something, I walked into the elevator and leaned against the glass.

"Hello Eugene." I spun around in a fighting position and had my fists out in front of me.

"Who's there, I'll fight you, Captain America and I train together." I said, a lie but i didn't care.

"I am Friday." The voice came again but there was nobody there, I relaxed a little but began to panic when the entire lavatory began to shake violently. The glass walls began to crack and the entire thing was descending down at a dangerous speed. I crouched down and put my head in my knees and held on for dear life, I screamed all the way down....

Tony's POV

Everyone gathered around as we watched the footage of Flash screaming in the elevator, I had Friday pretend the lift was going to crash and my plan worked. Each student held their stomachs laughing and I looked over at my daughter and here friends and they were crying with joy. I gave MJ a smile and surprisingly she came over and gave me a hug, she gave me a small thank you and let go.

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