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The drive was short and dint take very long, we were lucky there was no traffic although i was surprised considering New York is usually packed with cars early in the morning, i guess it was my lucky day. We pulled up outside Midtown High and i made a squeak like noise, Happy turned around and chuckled as he saw my horrific expression.

¨Dont worry kid, its really not as bad as it looks, it cant be that bad, besides if anything or anyone says anything your family is literally the avengers. I dont think Tony would mind sending a suit over to see whats happening.¨ He smiled at me and placed his hand on my shoulder, i laughed as he tried to make me feel better, but he was right, how bad could it really be?

I got out of the car and sighed to myself before closing the door, i watched as Happy disappeared from the parking lot and got lost into the busy streets of New York, i turned on my heel and headed in. On my way i passed a large group of the Male species and they all couldn't help but stare, some even whistled, i didn't care though, i just rolled my eyes and headed in.

I walked around for a bit trying to find the administration office, i would ask a student for help but if im honest they were a little intimidating, whilst looking over my shoulder i bumped into someones, a girl. I watched as she fell over and i immediately crouched down to help her up, i picked up her books and handed them back to her and gave her a smile.

¨Shit im so sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going and i was trying to find the administration office.¨

¨Its cool dont worry about it loser.¨ I was slightly offended by her words but realised she was joking because of the smile she put on, she pointed to the sign that was so obvious above my head and i smacked myself on the forehead for how stupid i was. I headed over following the signs that i hadn't noticed before and groaned as i heard a bell, this meant i would have to walk into a classroom whilst the students were already seated, probably the most awkward thing. Well maybe not as awkward as the time i walked in on Nat and Steve, Cap decided to throw his shield at me and it ended up hitting me in the head knocking me out. When i accused him the next day he said he was trying to rid me of that memory, i was grateful for it but this was the only leverage i had over Nat so i wasn't going to waste it.

I finally got to the office, it didn't take me very long, the woman registered me and handed me over a map and my schedule, she showed me to my first class so i wouldn't be late, once we arrived to a class cumbered B-21 she left me and wished me luck. I knocked on the door and was told to enter, the teacher introduced himself as Mr Harrington and i smiled at him. I stood there awkwardly as he directed the classes attention to the front, to me, it got more and more awkward and i hated every minute of it, there were multiple boys looking my way, i rolled my eyes and looked around the class. I noticed an empty seat at the back, it was next to a boy but his head was down so i couldn't see his face, i walked on over and sat down.

¨No No No you dont get to get away that easily, come back up here and introduce yourself.¨

¨Im okay thanks¨ I looked at my teacher who now looked slightly hurt, he sat back down on his desk and opened his book up and began to read paying no attention to his class, its not like he could control them anyways . I looked around as everyone dived back into conversation, i then looked over at the boy sitting next to me and he looked like he was asleep, i tapped him on the shoulder causing him to jolt up with fists in my face. I furrowed my eyebrows together and watched him as he came back to reality, he took a moment to adjust and as soon as he saw me his eyes widened and he continued to stare. I took this moment to take in what was given before me, he had messy brown hair, it sat on his forehead and i watched him push it back with one hand, oh my. He had golden eyes and i felt myself getting pulled in when someone shouted my name, I turned around to see a group of boys winking at me and giving me their best smiles.

¨Guys leave her alone¨ I was confused at first too see where this voice had come from but soon realised it was the boy who was sitting next to me.

¨OH so sleeping beauty can talk then.¨ I looked right at him and smirked, he gave me a cute smile back and i found myself wanting to know more about this curly haired boy.

¨Im Y/N and you are.¨ I put my hand out to shake his and he quickly grabbed it firmly and shook it, his hands were rough and bruised, curiosity took the best of me and i yanked his hand closer to my face and turned it over to see the purple bruise on his hand.

¨Sweetheart leave Peter, hes not worth it, come sit with me and i never caught your last name?¨

I looked him straight in the eye and smiled evilly before answering ¨Y/N, Y/N Stark¨

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