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i changed into an oversized hoodie and sweats, right now all i wanted was too be comfortable, i sat on the floor in my room and looked out the window, the occasional tear falling down. I could see the Quint jet leave the hangar, i was a little confused where they were going at 8 o'clock at night but brushed it off. After an hour i heard the roar of the jet, it was back, i hadn't moved spots since, i just wanted to forget about everything that had happened. i took my dirty clothes and went outside, i passed the Avengers who all looked at me with worry in their eyes but i ignored them, i placed them on the floor and set them on fire. I left them to burn and walked back inside and straight up too my room.

I sat on the edge of my bed and sat there not wanting to move, i heard a small tap on my window and saw Peter in his Spider man suit, i smiled weakly and made my over to open the window. I unlocked it and he crawled in, instead of greeting him i went and sat in the same place on my bed. Peter seemed to be taken back but he sensed this and sat beside me. He placed his hand on my back and i flinched at the contact but loosened up and moved closer too him.

¨Whats wrong??¨ He rubbed my back up and down and i began to cry again

¨Someone, t-hey r-ra-raped me.¨ His eyes widened with anger but when he saw me cry he softened up and hugged me tightly, he put his arms around me, i felt safe with him so i stopped crying and sunk into him.

¨Whoever did this is dead, and i mean dead.¨ I jerked my head up at his tone, he had never used this tone and it was a little scary.

¨Dont worry, im about 99.9% sure that Nat has already killed him, when i went outside to burn my clothes i saw she had her favourite knife in her hands, she doesn't use that knife unless its an emergency, there was also blood on it so.¨ I forced a smile and sunk back into his arms, he smiled at me and rested his head on mine.

When i was with him, nothing else mattered, i was thankful for him, i said to myself in my head.

Peter began to move and it looked like he was about to leave, i looked up at him with sadness in my eyes, i wanted him to stay.

¨Please stay.¨ I held onto his arms and he sighed but nodded, i squealed with excitement and we both got into bed.

¨You're gonna sleep in that?¨ I asked with amusement in my eyes

¨Well i didn't want to make you uncomfortable.¨ He was too good for me

¨Whats uncomfortable about you sleeping in just boxers next to me in bed.¨ He smiled at me and agreed, he pressed the logo on his chest and the suit fell off revealing a very naked Peter. He jumped into bed and sat next to me, he had his arm under his head, he reached over and rubbed my cheeks and brushed a strand of hair behind my ears. i smiled and poked his nose, he laughed and i wanted to kiss him but the timing wasn't right so i kept the temptation to myself.

¨You look adorable in that hoodie.¨ He says to me

¨And you look adorable without a shirt on.¨ i wink at him

¨Is that so¨ he says and i nod giggling

¨Well i guess i should put a shirt on, i dont want to tempt you.¨ He tries to get out of bed but i drag him back in and whine, he laughs and gets back into bed, he throws the duvet over both of us and i stare straight into his eyes. He does the same and i break the silence by giggling.

¨What?.¨ He says with a confused look on his face

¨Nothing, dont worry about it.¨ He looks at me with lost eyes and pouts again.

¨I was just thinking about how lucky i am so have you as a boyfriend.¨ I ruffle his hair and he laughs and i smile a little. we both end up falling asleep cuddling.

(The next morning)

I wake up and try to move but i look down to see Peters arms around me, i move his hands and turned to face him, i gave him kisses all over his bare chest telling him to wake up. He opened one eye and smiled when he saw me, he pulled me on top of him and laughed when i squealed.

¨Morning spidey-boy¨ i said sticking my tongue out

¨Morning baby.¨ I was being tested, i was sure of it, his morning voice was something i needed to hear everyday, he closed his eyes again and i rolled my eyes.

¨Come on you need to wake up, i need to hear you talk.¨ He laughed whilst sleeping and got up and leaned against the headboard, well goddamn.

¨And why do you wanna hear me speak.¨ he said smirking

¨Its your morning voice, its so hot.¨ he didn't expect such a straight up answer but he smirked at me and licked his lips, his hair was sitting on his head in such a messy way, i began crawling onto him and began playing with his hair. I sat in such concentration as i braided the front of the hair, he looked at me with lust in his eyes the entire time. After i was done he gave me a kiss on the lips and i gave him one more before he got out of bed.

I jumped onto his back and he carried me all the way downstairs, i laughed the entire way down and he sat me down on the edge of the kitchen island, he stood in between my legs and i geld his face in my hands. We were interrupted when Bucky walked in.

¨Morning.¨ He didn't really know what to say so he just walked in and began to make breakfast. Soon the rest of the Avengers walked in, Peter stayed in the position he was.

¨Morning Y/N how are you since yesterday?¨ My dad asked me

¨As long as im concerned, yesterday never happened so can we all forget about it please, but i thank you for killing the man.¨ I spoke with a big smile on my face and everyone agreed not to talk about it, as long as nobody brought it up i would be fine. I hope

¨Um as much as i like you Peter, why are you standing in this kitchen naked and when did you arrive.¨ MY dad said whilst sipping his coffee

¨Oh well i was doing my patrol and Y/N asked me to stay so i didn't and im not naked.¨ Everyone laughed and we all ate breakfast, Peter moved to a seat and i sat in his lap whilst i ate some toast

(The picture below is for reference what Peter looks like in the morning ;))

(The picture below is for reference what Peter looks like in the morning ;))

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