First day after all the chaos

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Peters POV

I woke up and stared at the ceiling, I then turned to the side and wish I didn't because the rising sun blinded me. I groaned and turned to face y/n, she had her arms under her face and she was sleeping peacefully. I pushed a strand out of her face and she slowly started to wake up.

"Morning." She didn't say anything back but smiled ear to ear, I knew exactly why and just rolled my eyes playfully.

"Let's go eat breakfast." I sat myslef up and helped her too, I wasn't going to bother putting on a shirt since her family had seen me without one so mnay times.

I heard y/n curse as soon as we steeped downstairs and I looked down to see she was tip toeing.

"What's wrong." I laughed

"The floor is cold."

"Come." I helped her up onto my back and she looked happy, she played with my hair the entire way down, I say I hated it but both me and her knew I loved it.

"Morning kids." Mr Stark said

A chorus of mornings was heard throughout the kitchen, I placed y/n in a chair and I sat next to her.

"So what do you kids want?" Steve asked us

"I'm good with anything." I said

"And what about you y/n?" My dad asked

"I don't really want anything, I'm feeling a bit sick to be honest." Y/n said

"You're not pregnant are you?" Mr Stark asked and Bucky and Sam choked on their drinks

"Nooo, Jesus no." I looked over at y/n wide eyed and calmed down after she said no, I don't really know what I would do if she was pregnant. I don't want to think about but we would have adorable kids.

"I agree Peter." Wanda said and her eyes stopped glowing red, I was confused for a sec but when I realised I went red. Everyone else tried to figure out what was happening but brushed it off and ate their breakfast.

"What was that about?" Y/n whispered into my ear

"I was just thinking about how cute our kids would be if we had them." She raised her eyebrows and smiled and I shook my head and finished my food.


"Hey dad what did you tell my school about me being off, I wanna make sure our stories are straight." I asked my dad, he put down his 10th coffee of the day and looked right at me

"Well I didn't really say anything except I'm Tony Stark." Everyone rolled their eyes at him and I swatted his arm.

"Of course you did, why am I not surprised."

"But if anyone asks, your more than welcome to say what you like, make it believable at least." He said

"Yeah I will I will."

(Time skip to the car ride)

I held Peters hand and we didn't speak the entire journey there but instead took in the view, it was September so it was starting to get cold. That meant hopefully snow.

It had been a week since I was at school, that only meant I missed 5 days of school, I caught up quite quickly so that wasn't an issue. The issue was all the students staring at me, I juts ignored them and walked to our usual spot to see my friends.

"Y/N!" MJ screamed, she ran up to me and hugged me tightly, I was taken back by her affection but welcomed it.

"Hey guys." We all agreed that the events in the last week didn't happen and we shouldn't talk about it, I was glad because I wasn't about to have a panic attack on my first day back.

We all joked around as we walked into class, as soon as we entered everyone went silent and started whispering, I was used to it but it was still annoying. I paid no attention and we all took our seats in the back of the class.

(Skip to lunch)

None of us had fourth period together so when my class was over I walked to Lunch alone, on the way I got a lot of straws but I just walked through everyone like the bad bitch I was. When I did get to the Cafeteria, I didn't see Peter or Ned but I saw our usual table surrounded by Flash and his so called friends. I walked closer and a gasp left my mouth when I saw Mj teared up and Flash's finger in her face.

"Leave her the fuck alone Flash or I swear to god." Flash heard me and smirked and juts walked off, I looked back at him and he blew a kiss to me. He watched me as I caught said kiss and stomped on it, I gave him the finger and walked over and sat with Mj

"Hey I'm here now it's ok." I wrapped my arms around Mj and she leant in, it was strange to see her like this, she was usually so tough and would be the one to get rid of Flash if he was bothering us. But I was here for her.

"Hey what happened." She sighed and collected herself before telling me

"He came over and said that I was a freak because of my sexuality, he said that I was wrong and i deserve to die." I gasped and hugged her again but smiled when a thought came into my head.

"Y/n what are you thinking." Mj questioned

"We still have that trip to the avengers headquarters, the one for the decathlon team or something like that, right?"

Yeah it's in 2 days why?"

"I have a feeling that some people I know there would be very much interested in helping me and you get that dick back." I saw her smile and I winked at her, Mj wiped her tears and it now looked like nothing had happened. She made me promise not to tell the others because she didn't want them to do something or get in trouble for it. I made sure to keep it to myself until after the trip.

Soon Peter and Ned came over and we enjoyed our lunch, after that we all made our way to fifth period, gym.

(Time skip to after school-AH)

I walked out of the car and ran inside to see where everyone was, I wasn't going to let Flash get to MJ like that. When Friday told me they were all busy I just went to my room to catch up on some homework.

"Miss Stark Dinner is ready." I had fallen asleep at my desk and was awoken by Friday, I yawned and stretched and made my way to the dining table.

"Hey kid."

"Hey dad." I took my seat next to Nat and Bucky, I picked at my food whilst everyone ate, Bucky seemed to notice and he nudged me.

"Why aren't you eating." Bucky asked, this seemed to get everyone's attention and they all stopped mid conversation to listen to me.

"Something happened at school...." I put my hand in the air to stop the hindered questions that would be thrown at me and gestured to let me finish, they all nodded allowing me to proceed.

"So basically Mj came out, flash being the dick he is has been giving her a hard time about it, the first time he did, Peter handed him and beat him up but that seems to have slipped his mind and won't leave her alone."

"I know a good hiding spot for the body."
"Let me go get my knives"
"Let's pay him a little visit."
"That son of a bitch is dead, and I mean dead"
"We could always poison him."
"Let's slit his throat, more blood, more fun"
"Yeah let the dick suffer."
"I will murder him if it's the last thing I do."

"Guys, guys, GUYS!" Everyone shut up and listened to me, I do admit they're ideas were tempting but I had a better idea.

"As much as I would love you guys to kill Flash, that's too easy, why don't we make him suffer instead, it's much more fun." Steve looked uneasy but agreed with everyone, Nat and Bucky looked lkke Christmas came early and I was so ready.

"Ok so the decathlon team has a school trip here on Wednesday so let's have some fun shall we." Everyone smirked evilly and we began to think of ways to get Flash back.

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