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I sat in mu room bored out of my mind, i decided to go to my dads lab to see if he was working on any new tech, sure enough he was, there was a white curtain towards the end of the lab, i pulled the sheet off to reveal a new suit, it was red and blue with a spider in the middle. I read the label and it read, Spider-Man suit, that's weird, i had never heard of someone named spider-man.

¨FRIDAY bring up everything you have on Spider-Man.¨ I watched carefully as Friday brought up files, only videos on this spider person, each video was this Spider Man in action and i had to admit he looked good. Friday didn't have any information on this person but only these videos. It seemed like my dad was trying to find out who this mystery superhero was, i was curious myself.

¨Miss Stark, the Quin Jet is destined for arrival in 5 minutes.¨ I was glad Friday had informed me otherwise my dad would have caught me and that's the last thing i need right now. I placed the sheet over the suit and made my way out of the lab, In the living room i sat on the couch so i didn't arouse any suspicion. Sure enough 5 minutes later i looked out the floor to ceiling windows too see the jet flying in the direction of the tower, i watched as it landed into one of the hangars.

All the Avengers excited the Jet and made their way towards the living area, i unlocked the door and ran down the stairs, through the lobby and into the hangar, they all looked my way and smiled crept onto their faces.

¨Wow you guys look like absolute shit.¨ Sam and me exchanged glaces but we didn't make a word but you can already imagine what we would have said.

¨Thanks Y/N.¨ Clint rolled his eyes at me but smiled shortly after

¨Anytime, so how was the mission?¨ I wrapped my arms around Nat's waist and she returned the favour by resting here head against mine.

¨Shit¨ i looked up too see my dad walking towards us smiling, he had no suit on so i presume he was taking that off all that time, his head was bleeding but i dont think he noticed.

¨Um dad whose spider man??¨ He snapped his head in my direction and i raised my eyebrow at him, he sighed and walked to me, i gave him a hug and began walking back with them into the house.

¨Well in all honesty, i have no idea, i've done a facial scan throughout the entire city but i haven't picked up anything, they would be a good asset to the team, they're strong, fast and by the looks of it, quite young.¨ my dad unlocked the door to the house and we all followed inside, we sat at the table and they all began to eat the food i prepared earlier.

¨Wow this doesn't taste like shit, its not so bad.¨ Sam said as he shoved chicken into his mouth

¨Thanks i guess, also Bucky i promise its not poisoned, you can eat it.¨ Bucky had joined the team not so long ago and was still unsure around a few of us, he picked at his food before finally cutting a piece and placing it in his mouth. His eyes softened as he chewed on the food, he turned his gaze to me and smiled, this was the closest to a thanks i would be bale to get from him.

¨So are you ready for tomorrow then.¨ My dad looked up at me

¨Shit i kinda forgot about that but yeah i guess i am.¨ I said goodnight to everyone and walked up to my room, after a quick shower and change of clothes i got into bed and feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

< The next morning>

A sickly sweet scent filled my nostrils, i slowly opened my eyes, i didn't have the usual light creeping through my windows, i looked out to see it was still dark , the only light coming of the cars driving on the streets of New York City. I lay in bed for a few more minutes when i heard a faint knock at my door, it was barely noticeable, if it wasn't as quiet im sure i would have missed it. The door frame outlined a person, i squinted my eyes trying to make out who it could be, It was Nat, she stood there with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.

¨Morning, you need to get up or you'll be late¨ she came over to me and pulled off my blanket, an instant cold covered my entire body, i groaned and curled up hoping to find some warmth, she rolled her eyes and dragged me out of bed, like literally, she grabbed my leg and arm and pushed me off the bed. I landed on the floor with a thud and my head hit the ground and i winced in pain

¨What the hell.¨ i looked up at her, she was now holding a hand out for me, seriously?? I whacked her hand out of the way and got up myself , she turned and told me if i fell asleep she would throw me down the stairs, I knew she wasn't lying so i made my way down the cold marble steps into the kitchen.

¨Thor those are mine¨ Thor had finessed 3 boxes of pop tarts, i whacked him backside the head and he laughed, im sure that felt like nothing to him but it was still worth a try.

¨Sorry Lady Y/N.¨ He laughed loudly filling the entire kitchen and what seemed to be the rest of the headquarters, my dad sat opposite me and he smiled at me, he slid over a plate of Pancakes. I cut them all into bite size pieces and began to eat away, Thor looked at my plate and i gave him a death stare, he could take anything but pancakes, they were my favourite food.

¨Thanks dad, im just gonna get changed and ill be down¨ i jumped off the kitchen stool

¨Okay sweetie see you in a bit¨ My dad sipped his coffee and i made my way upstairs to finish getting ready, i put on an oversized hoodie and some jeans, i wasn't gonna bother with an outfit, i just wanted to be warm and comfy. I brushed my teeth and dragged a comb through my hair, i looked alright, i rolled my suitcase to the door and wheeled it downstairs.

¨Right im ready to go.¨ my dad looked at me confused

¨That hoodie looks like it could fit two people in there.¨ he was staring at my outfit choice

¨That's the whole point¨ i said cockily, Nat smirked at me and my dad looked annoyed

¨Chill i was joking, now come on lets go.¨ i gave my hugs to everyone , my dad and Nat agreed to drop me off, i was excited at first but now i was getting nervous, i had a weird feeling in my stomach and i grew more and more nervous as we pulled up to the school. I got out the car and the sun had only began to rise, it was 6:30 in the morning, if it was up to me i would wake up at 4pm but i know i would get dragged out by one of the avengers. I sighed as i lifted my Suitcase out of the trunk, i placed it on the ground and clicked the handle up, i could see my friends waiting in the corner for me. I gave Nat and my dad one last hug before they got into the car, i watched them leave the parking lot and made my over to my friends.

¨Hey guys, read for the trip??¨

¨Yeah¨ they all replied at the same time and we began laughing, it was finally time to get onto the bus, I sat with MJ and we talked the entire journey, Peter and Ned sat in front of us but they had their heads turned for majority of the ride.

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