Peters nightmare

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It had been a week and I was Finally out of the med bay, I had no visual marks or bruises so I was good to go back to school. My dad had already informed them of why I wasn't there with some bullshit story but I guess when it's Tony Stark you just believe it. Peter had been staying around a lot more lately, not that I minded of course.

"So can I help you pick out your outfit for tomorrow." Peter asked wiggling his eyebrows, I nodded and he jumped off my bed and followed me into my wardrobe.

"Ok so it's getting colder and I don't want you to get sick so I'm thinking these pair of jeans with this jumper." He held his outfit out proudly and I laughed at him

"It's actually a good outfit" I laid out my clothes on my bed with my underwear and we both headed downstairs for dinner. I was glad it was the weekend because that meant Peter stayed the whole day with me and could be with me when I went back for the first day.

"Hey kids." My dad said from the dinner table

"Hey mr Stark." Peter said, my dad frowned at him and rolled his eyes

"Kid you can drop the mr Stark and just call me Tony." My dad said amused

"I know I could but it just doesn't seem right, hey Steve could you pass me the salad."

"Oh so you can call him Steve but not me Tony, I see how it is."

"Tony, see that just doesn't sound right Mr Stark." Everyone laughed as my dad groaned

"It just makes me sound old."

"But you are old dad."

"You're hilarious" my dad said sarcastically

"Yeah I am aren't I." I said in a cocky voice

We all laughed and enjoyed the dinner, after we were done , I grabbed everyone's plates and put them in the sink. I gave everyone a hug goodnight and dragged Peter up the stairs into my room. He changed into some shorts and stayed shirtless, lucky me. I changed into my clothes and Peter picked me up bridal style and threw me onto the bed.

"I need to brush my teeth still." I said getting out and walking into the bathroom

"Oh yeah me too" Peter said trailing along, we brushed out teeth and both got back into bed. We sat there talking for hours about random things when it was finally 1am when we passed out.

(Tad bit later in the night -4am)

I was woke up to Peter shuffling and turning beside me, I checked my phone and it was 4:26 am. I turned on the lamp so I could get a better view of Peter and when I did he was shaking violently, his body was covered in a thin layer of sweat and he was gripping the bed tightly.

"Peter wake up, WAKE up please." I wrapped my arms around him and held him in my arms, this seemed to stop his movement, I brushed his curls out of his face and he opened his eyes. They were wide and for the first time in forever I could see the fear behind them.

"It's ok I'm here, just breathe, shhh, just breathe." He calmed down slightly and matched his breathes to mine, he sunk into my chest and I felt tears run down his face.

"Thank you." He said in a small voice

"What for?"

"For helping me."

"I will always help you whenever you need it, you wanna talk about." I tried not to push him but he surprised me and nodded, he let go off me and set himself up and I did the same.

"I've been having nightmares ever since I became Spider-Man, they've pretty much stopped since I met you, only coming here and there, nothing I couldn't handle myself. But ever since we got you back they've come back everyday since then." I could see how embarrassed he looked and I put my arms around him and gave him a hug.

"Hey you don't need to worry about it, I can't stop them and that sucks but I will always help you when they come back." I gave him him a small kiss and he smiled at me.

"Do you mind me asking what you see in the nightmares?" He sighed before talking

"Every now and then it's uncle bens death but for the past week it's what I did to zola, I killed a man y/n, i can't believe I killed someone.." he kept repeating the last few words over and over, he placed his head on my shoulder and I sighed him by rubbing my hand on the backside of his head. He kept mumbling but after a while he stopped so I looked at him and saw he was sleeping, I smiled and placed his head onto the pillow. I gave him a small kiss ok the forehead and left my room, on my way to the kitchen.

I wasn't surprised when I saw Nat and Bucky downstairs, they both had a glass of water in hand and they looked shaken up. When they saw me enter they softened up but confusion followed them.

"Kid what are you doing awake." Nat asked

"I should ask the same thing?" I grabbed a glass and filled it up with water and took a sip, the cool water relaxing my burning throat.

"Just the usual I guess, but I didn't remember you having nightmares?" Nat said

"Not me but-"

"Peter" Nat cut me off

"Yeah, how did you know?" I said sipping my drink

"Well the day we got you back, when we were all sitting in the waiting room, Peter had a nightmare ." I saw a small tear run down her face and I frowned, I wiped it away and she smiled back.

"He really is a good kid y/n" she said

"I know he is." We both smiled and I gave Nat a hug, we were interrupted when Bucky coughed

"I'll leave then." He said without any emotion and left the room, I made my way back up with Nat and she kissed me goodbye, I smiled entire back into my room and I smiled when I saw Peter sleeping softly.

A/n - ok ok I need your genuine thoughts on the book, like is there anything you wanna see, anything you want changed, overall thoughts, please don't hold back :)

Also i think the book will be finished soon, I know that there was supposed to be another school trip but that would just be pointless. When I'm finished with this one I'll finish the baby spider book and then the wrong number kid one as-well.

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