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Trigger warning Rape

After we had all woken up and had breakfast, it was time for my friends to go, they all left around noon. It was pretty boring, i had nothing to do so i decided to go for a walk. It was really hot out and i was really thirsty so out of the corner of my eye i saw a small cafe across the street. I crossed the street and made my way inside, i ordered a coke with ice and left. I sat in the Park for an hour or two, scrolling through the pictures in my camera roll when i heard someone call out my name. I looked around but saw nobody but when i turned back, someone put something to my nose making me pass out.

I woke up opening my eyes slowly, i looked around too see myself surrounded by trees, i was left on the floor, nobody was around me, i put my hand on the tree trying to get up, as soon as i took a step forward, the pain between my legs was too much making me collapse onto the floor, i looked down too see my trousers bloodied and my underwear opposite me, this meant NO.

I sat there for almost an hour before trying to get up again, my face was stained with tears, how could i let this happen, im a goddamn superhero, fuck.

I took off my jumper and wrapped it around me hiding the blood on my trousers, the last thing i need was for everyone too see that. It was the most painful thing, i walked back to the compound, i took the back entrance to the house, i knew if i went through the front, security would call the avengers down instantly. I walked in and closed the door, i turned around to see several pairs of angry eyes looking at me.



¨YOU COULD HAVE BEN HURT OR SOMETHING ELSE¨ I didn't know who said this but i couldn't help but crouch down and cry, i let it all out and they all looked at each other with worried faces.

¨Y/N what happened?¨ Nat crouched down beside me and placed her hands on my shoulder, she looked at my back and saw the blood, she sighed and placed her head against mine, i sat there crouched, not wanting to move. I kept my head in my hands and cried louder.

¨Y/N you need to tell us what happened.¨ Wanda said calmly.

¨I- i w-ass r-a-aped.¨ I choked out, i got up ignoring the pain and ran to my room, i walked into my room, i closed the door, locking it and sliding down onto the floor. I put my head into my hands trying to block out everything but i could hear all the avengers shouting. This made me cry more and i screamed letting my head fall back.

After and hour of crying i walked into the shower, i sat on the floor and sat her for what seemed like an eternity, i wanted to wash off everything, i felt dirty and exposed. The hot steam calmed me but it also brought back the memories, i suddenly remembered everything that happened.

i was sitting in a dark placed when he started putting his hand son my things, his hands getting higher an higher each time, i felt sick to my stomach but i was too weak to move. I had to watch as this filthy human raped me, i cried and cried. i tried to scream but it only came out a mere whisper. After he had done what he wanted to me, he placed a hand over my mouth and everything went black again.

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