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I woke up early and headed to the bathroom, i changed my tampon and went back into the room to see Wanda awake, she was sitting a the edge of her bed groaning, when she saw me walking in she smiled and i yawned in response, She just smirked and we both made our way downstairs.

¨Yeah hes coming today, after breakfast, Peter and Y/N will train.¨ I could hear my dad talking with the rest of the Avengers, i exchanged awkward glances with Wanda, I didn't really want too see him right now, If i told my family that, I would have to deal with another dead body. dont ask

I slumped onto one of the chairs and at my breakfast as slow as i could.

¨Kid after this go get changed into your gym clothes, you've git training after this.¨ My dad said, I pushed my bowl away and went upstairs, i changed into a pair of Nike pro shorts and a sports bra. I tied my hair into a ponytail and it looked good considered it hadn't been washed since the trip, i grabbed my phone and walked into the training room, everyone was already inside and i groaned, they all heard and looked my way.

¨What the hell are you wearing?¨ My dad glared at me

¨Clothes.¨ i tried to act innocent but i was wearing clothes.

¨Barely, you've got too much skin exposed.¨ He crossed his arms and stares at me

¨I've been seen in less.¨ I was hoping i didn't say that out loud but everyone heard it, they're eyes widened in shock,Sam was laughing his ass off and Wanda and Nat were smirking at each other. They knew.

¨Nobody can take a joke nowadays can they.¨ I shook my head and my dad sighed in relief. Suddenly we all saw someone swinging outside the window, It was Peter, he flew straight through the open window, everyone seemed surprised but i just rolled my eyes.

¨Hey Mr.Stark¨ He waved at my dad who walked over

¨Hey, kid, did you bring workout clothes?¨ he asked

¨Yeah they're underneath my suit.¨ He hit the spider man logo on his chest and the suit immediately loosened up and fell to the ground, Peter was wearing Grey shorts and a White t shirt, it was tight enough to outline Peters body. Everyone else seemed to be shocked at how a 17 year old was so ripped, i was too the first time i saw him but now i was used to it i guess.

He looked over at me and smiled, i gave him an awkward smile back before stepping onto the mat, he did the same and we were instructed by Nat to fight. I didn't really mind hitting him, this would be fun, i threw the first punch, i expected him to get hit but he seemed to sense my punch before hand and easily blocked it. I gave him a confused look and he just smirked, ok now i was pissed, i ran and locked my legs around his neck slamming him to the floor, that didn't last very long as he twisted me over and had me in a headlock. I was face to face with him and he gave me a smiled that made my insides flip, i ignored this and kneed him in the stomach, he stumbled backwards and the fight continued. At this point we were fighting pointlessly, nobody was going to win, we both realised this and stopped.

As soon as the fight ended i grabbed my things and headed out the room whilst everyone praised Peter, i was stopped by someones yanking my arm. I turned around to face Peter, he looked at me and sighed before saying

¨Im sorry Y/N, I didn't mean what i said, i hope that we can still be friends.¨ Friends, that hit hard, yes i know you're not supposed to like someone you've know for less than a month, but he was someone different. I looked up and smiled at him.

¨And im also sorry, i was being a dick for no reason.¨ His face suddenly lit up and he smiled, i pulled him in for a hug, he wasn't expecting this but he placed his hands around my back and placed his head on my shoulder. After we stopped hugging we went back in to finish training.

(6 Months later)

I was finally the last day of school, it had been 6 months since the kiss, i kept my feelings in check this time, i didn't want to loose my best friend, i became really close with all of them. Peter finally ended up telling MJ about his identity but she claimed she already knew, we were all confused but she explained her reason and it didn't surprise us that much. Although she did have a big rant at Peter for not telling her sooner.

It was the end of the day and i was so excited, it was summer break and me, Ned, MJ, and Peter had so many plans, as we walked out of the school gates, Peter pulled me away from the other two, i gave him a confused look and he sighed before proceeding.

¨Y/N I've liked you for so long now, i hate myself for not asking this sooner but will you go out with me.¨ My face lit up and i wrapped mu arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

¨So is that a yes?¨ He still had his arms on my waist

¨Does this give you my answer.¨ I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips, he looked shocked but he smiled and blushed.

¨I dont know, maybe you should do it again.¨ I rolled my eyes but happily gave him a kiss on the lips, after we broke apart he looked satisfied and was smiling wide, i ruffled his hair and smiled.

¨Okay how about tomorrow at 7.¨

¨Sounds good ill be ready.¨ After this he smiled and headed home, i made my way back to MJ, Ned was getting picked up by his mum so he was already gone, MJ smirked at me.

¨He asked me out.¨ I grabbed her shoulders and jumped up excitedly.

¨Well yeah i saw the whole thing, in fact the entire school did.¨ i looked around and was slightly embarrassed when i could see several sets of eyes on me, i shrugged and gave MJ a hug goodbye

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