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I looked into my wardrobe and realised i had nothing nice to wear for school tomorrow, i grabbed a spare set of keys and decided to head to the mall, on the way out i was stopped by Wanda and Nat who both crossed there arms at me and stood in front of the door.

¨Seriously, i juts git here and you're gonna sneak off without us.¨ Wanda turned her form into a smile and Nat winked at me, i laughed and dragged them by their arms and out the door. We got to one of my dads car and we all stopped outside of it, I looked at Wanda then to Nat, she smiled at me and tossed over a set of car keys. I missed them letting them drop to my feet, i was quick to pick them up, Nat and Wanda had got in an left the drivers seat empty implying i get in.

¨If  my dad finds out he will kill me¨

¨Yeah IF he finds out¨ i smiled at Nat and didn't even bother opening the car door but instead jumped in, i put the key into the ignition and the car purred to life, my foot pressed down onto the gas and we were off. Nat put the music on and played it a lot louder than i expected but i didn't mind, we all sang to the music as loud as we could and other people driving by gave us weird looks but we ignored them. I loved this car so much, it had no roof so the wind was blowing on our faces and the music playing in the background, i felt like i was in a movie.

We arrived at the mall 25 minutes later and it was 2:36, hopped out of the car and Nat and Wanda followed me in, we headed into urban outfitters and went from rack to rack throwing random things into our basket, we also got random stares from strangers, i guess it was a weird sight too see black widow and scarlet witch shopping for clothes on a Sunday afternoon. I've seen weirder. I got to the till and handed over my basket, i had to fight Nat and Wanda to let me pay for their stuff, its not like it was my money anyways, it was my dads. This wouldn't even make a scratch in his credit card,I payed for our things and the total came to 2000 dollars, well i guess ill have to thank my dad later.

¨You didn't have to pay for our stuff you know¨ Nat was holding a few of the bags and i juts shrugged at them ¨Dont thank me, thank my dad later¨ i winked at both of them, my stomach grumbled and i didn't even realise how hungry i had gotten, i checked the time to see that it was 4:06,i spotted the food court and suggested we ate something before continuing with the shopping.

¨Before we go can we at least put these bags away, my arms are gonna break off¨ Wanda complained to us like a 5 year old and me and Nat shook our heads as we laughed, we placed the bags in the boot and made our way back in, it was much colder outside now so we rushed in to the warmth of the mall. We all decided on Shwarma, go figure, we sat in the far back of the shop to avoid contact with other people, we all ate and discussed where to go next.

¨I say we go to Victoria secret¨ Nat seemed keen to go there and i wonder why, i smirked at her and nudged Wanda, she caught on immediately and we both hid our laughter by taking sips from our drinks. We were unsuccessful as Nat kicked us both from under the table.

¨Ow what was that for.¨ i still kept laughing and she rolled her eyes at me

¨You know Y/N you should probably get yourself some new underwear as well, those plain black and white bras wont cut it with the high school boys.¨ she winked at me and i turned a deep shade of red, I never took much interest in my underwear choice but now that Nat had brought it up, i guess she was right.

We finished up our food and headed into Victoria Secret, i was intimidated at first and looked around to see shelves and racks filled with all kinds of bras, my eyes widened when  i saw a set i liked, Wanda saw me staring and dragged me over and started to grab multiple off the rack.

¨Um Wanda what are you doing?¨

¨Im getting a couple different sizes so you can try them on, after you know what size you are we can go get you a couple sets¨

¨yea ok lets go¨ I had a few different sized bras in my hand and went into the changing rooms to try them on, i put the first one on and it was a definite no, my boobs were spilling out of the top, i tried on the next one and it fit well, i asked both to come in and check and they said it was perfect. We wandered throughout the store and a few sets caught my eye, a red lace bra with matching bottoms, i grabbed the set in 3 different colours and put them in my basket, i also picked out some bralettes that would go nicely under straplesses tops. Whilst me and Wanda were queuing up , Nat was in the Pyjama section and we could see she was coming back to us with a few sets in her hand, she put them in my basket and i looked at her with a confused face.

¨Yeah your pyjamas also need an upgrade, these silk sets will work wonders¨ she smiled at me and i admit they were intriguing, i shrugged and headed to the counter to pay fr my items. I had to ask the woman to repeat my total 3 times before getting out my dads card, the money wasn't the issue, i just never expected underwear to be that expensive.

After everyone had brought there stuff we decided to call it a day and head back home.

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