Youre gonna wish you never said that

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We all walked back into the cafeteria and we were surprised when Flash was standing on one of the tables surrounded by his shorty group of friends. We all approached them and I had my arms crossed, he looked down at me and had a sick smile on his face.

"Hello princess." I stuck my middle finger out at him and he just laughed.

"So my friend here was telling me that ur friend over there is bi, you really should have checked to see if anyone else was in the toilets before sharing your secrets." MJs eyes widened and she looked down.

"Shut the fuck up Flash or I'll make you." I threatened him but this only fuelled him more.

"You're friend is a freak, she's bi and that's just wrong, also you're a whore." This time it was Peters turn to get angry,he jumped onto the table and he punched Flash in the face. I'm pretty sure I heard a crack and everyone gasped as the once nerdy and weak kid was now beating up Flash. Everyone knew that flash bullied Peter so I was glad that he was sticking up for himself. I looked to the side to see Ned recording, I was glad, I looked back up at Peter who was now lifting Flash in the air, before thinking things through he threw him into the floor. Flash groaned and laid there for a few minutes before he got up but collapsed immediately onto a seat.

"Say shit like that again and you'll have it coming worse." We all left and went back to our seats to continue our lunch. On the way over many students applauded us, we all smiled and had a good lunch.

Finally school was over, I walked out of my class and as soon as I walked out Peter grabbed me in the air and set me down In front of him.

"Hey." Hey said
"Hello." I gave him a kiss and we both walked out and into the car, I drove this time because I had to drop him home.

"I didn't have the time to tell you, but you look beautiful today." He stared at me and I just blushed.

"Well your science pun T-shirt's are something I look forward to everyday."

"What about me" he asks

"Meh your okay, your science T-shirt's are better." I say grinning

"Heyy!" He puts his hand over his chest and pretends to be wounded.

"I love you."

"I love you." I just realised we had both never said it at the same time, he also realised and we Both started laughing. When we got to his apartment, he put his hands under my chin and gave me a kiss.

"Bye." I was on my way home when I looked in my rear view mirror to see the car that was parked near Peters apartment was behind me. Before I finalised that they were following me I took 4 left turns and sure enough they did too, I sped up a little and just as I was about to call my dad, another car came colliding into me from the side.......

Tony's POV

I was in my lab working on some new tech for the avengers when an alarm went off, I nearly fainted when I heard which alarm it was. Ever since the break in, I had an alarm put in place which alerted all the avengers if Y/N was in rouble. She wasn't back from school so I quickly ran out out of the lab and into the living room. Everyone was surrounding the tv and when I saw what it was, I fell to my knees.
On the street was Y/N's car was upside down battered up, the windows were shattered, the paint was scratched and most importantly it was on fire. The flames weren't small and containable, they were roaring. I tapped my chest and my suit folded over me, and I flew out of the window. With my money , it would be fixed by tomorrow.

I arrived at the scene in less than a minute, I ran to the car and couldn't get closer because the car was giving off to much heat. I grabbed a police officer by the collar and shouted in his face.

"Where is the girl, the one who was in the car."

"I'm sorry sir, but with the fire and the heat, she's most likely dead." As soon as those words left his mouth I let him go and fell to my knees, a few moments later I felt an arm on my shoulder, I looked up and it was the Avengers.

"Tony you might wanna take a look at this." Nat was smiling so my hopes were up, I looked up at the small screen she was showing me, on it was a small red dot. Y/N. Just as I was about to fly away and follow it, the dot disappeared, I looked in at confusion and Nat tapped the screen trying to get it back but it was no use.

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