New school year

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The rest of summer break went by in a breeze, I spent my time hanging out with my friend and family, mainly my friends. I stayed over Peters place a few times and that was a lot of fun, I hung out with Mj and Ned as well. My family is usually busy but the days they had off were filled with movie marathons, training and pranks wars. Yes prank wars.

When Nick Fury came into the tower to talk with my dad and Steve, me and Clint hacked into my dads AI system and made it play the pirates of the Caribbean theme tune every time he walked in. Surprisingly my dad didn't tell me off but praised me for it, Steve on the other hand have me a lecture that I held my laughter in the entire time.

Apart from that, I took time to my self, I gained better control over my powers which was great, i would usually practice in the training room at night alone. I only did this because when I got angry I would sometimes lose control and bash it out on the other people in the room. One time I flew Clint across the room and he had to go to the med bay for a few days. He didn't mind that much, he said something about trying to beat his record for most amount of times he needed medical attention in a week. I'm not really sure.

I've gotten really good at using my powers but sometimes I forget I even have them, it's just been weird to suddenly figure out you have these abilities.

(Current day) 2 days before school

It's dinner time and I have my friends over to help me cook, dad said I could ahve them over one last time before school starts so I decided on a pasta bake. Simple but amazing if done correctly.

"So are you guys are excited to go back to school." Ned asked chopping the tomatoes

"Yes, the first day of school is filled with people of crisis meaning I have lots of new faces to draw." We all laughed as Mj flashed us a smile.

"I don't know, schools only good because I get to see you guys, other than that it's pretty boring." Peter said with a frown, I gave him a small smile and rubbed his back up and down.

"Yeah I agree, schools pretty easy, I only like going to see you guys everyday." They all smiled and we all finished cutting up the vegetables for the salad, I washed my hands and we all leant on the kitchen island waiting for the pasta to be done.

A timer went off so I opened the over and peered inside, it looked perfectly done, I grabbed the oven gloves and put them on and took the pasta out both trays of pasta from the oven.

"Hey Friday can you tell everyone dinners ready." I said smiling

"Of course miss Stark." We all put donw the plates and glasses and took our seats, I admit dinner looked better than usual today, there was fresh garlic bread, 2 differnet salads and pasta. I was a good cook but this looked amazing. Within a few minutes many avengers walked through the door and took their seats.

"Wow this actually looks like it won't kill us for once." Same said jokingly.

"That wasn't my fault, Clint took out the chicken after 15 minutes when I said 50, that's on him." Everyone just laughed.

"But seriously kids the food looks great, thanks." My dad said and began serving everyone food.

"Lady Y/N and friends, this food is exquisite." Thor said with food shoved in his mouth, I shook my head and ate the food and it really was as everyone said, amazing.

"So you kids excited for school."Steve asked

"Kind off" we all said at the same time, I looked at Peter and frowned, I know he loved school but there were a few people who ruined it for him, after I punched Flash for the first time he stayed away from us for a while but took on Peter secretly.

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