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Suddenly the class had gotten extremely silent and now everyone was staring at, i started to pack my bag taking no care as everyone around me murmured, i got up from my seat but was yanked down by the same boy as before and i rolled my eyes.

¨So you're a Stark then.¨
¨No i said that as a joke¨ i used my best sarcastic tone earning a laugh from the entire class, i looked straight at him and smiled playfully, i turned to Peter who was now laughing, cute, i winked at him and he immediately stopped laughing but coughed in an attempt to cover the noise that left his mouth. I heard it and just laughed.

¨So you're daddy's little trust fund¨

¨Say that again to my face¨ i was now standing in this boys face and he smiled at me, he pushed me out of the way and i crossed my arms waiting fro this little dick to talk.

¨But that's what your are princess, Daddy's little trust fund.¨ As soon as those words left his mouth my fist connected with his jaw, he dropped to the floor immediately and i was now on top of him, i was out of control and i was punching him in the most murderous way. I felt two arms pull me up and i was snapped out of my state, i looked at my fists to see them dripping in blood, i wiped them on my jeans and now looked down at the unconscious boy, he deserved what he got and by the looks of it, his nose looked broken.

¨Say shit like that to me again and the last thing you'll see is red¨ I turned around trying to get past the crowd that had formed and i saw Peter waiting there, i made my way over to him.

¨Thanks for pulling me off him¨

¨Of course no problem, that was pretty bad ass i wont lie¨ he smiled at me and i bowed my head and laughed, i grabbed my bag and headed out of the classroom, i stopped at the door and waved the mysterious boy goodbye. I headed to the bathroom to clean myself up, it was opposite my homeroom and i walked into the female toilets, i turned on the tap and began to wash my hands. I winced in pain and when i looked down i saw that the skin on my knuckles had torn and the blood wouldn't stop pouring no matter how many times i ran it under the cold water.

I cursed at myself and heard the bathroom door open,  i instantly turned around and saw the girl from before walk in, she had an unreadable expression, she was showing to many different emotions and i didn't know what to think of it. She then smiled and made her way to me.

¨I saw the video of you punching Flash and that was sick, nice one loser¨ she was genuinely smiling at me and i found my self beginning to like her, her smile changed to a frown when she saw my knuckles, she grabbed them forcefully and i flinched at the pain.

¨Wait did you say video, shit shit, fuck if my dad sees that hell kill me¨ i leaned back on the sink and put my head in my hands, bad choice, as soon as my hands came into contact with my head it was immediate pain.

¨OK were going to the nurse, if you dont get them bandaged you'll bleed out.¨ she said this jokingly trying to cheer me up but i knew she was right, my hands were bleeding badly. We left the toilets and headed straight to the nurse, once i got in she didn't question my hands but cleaned them quickly, a process that hurt more than i expected. She sprayed something on the cut and the immediate touch stung like hell and i dropped my head , she kept hold of my hand and she wrapped it in a white bandage.

After we were done i thanked the Nurse and made my way to first period, the bell went off whilst i was being bandaged up and i looked at MJ with worried eyes, she assured me the teacher wouldn't care, i trusted her but she was wrong .

¨If you girls dont explain why you're late, you will have an after schools detention¨ I looked over at MJ, she looked annoyed so i decided to try every males weakness.

¨Sir sorry that's my fault, im Y/N, we had lady troubles¨ i pointed at the blood on my jeans and he looked at me with a shocked expression and told us to go sit down, MJ gave me a high five which i instantaneously regretted, the pain was terrible and i cursed really loud.

¨FUCK¨ thanks god the teacher didn't hear, i looked for an available seat, i smiled when i saw a familiar face, Peter.

Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now