Peter POV

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I just met Tony Stark, the Tony Stark, I think i handled that pretty well considering how much f a nervous wreck i usually am. I was a little confused when Black widow and Y/N began putting my suitcase in the car, they said they wanted me too head to Stark Tower with them.

We sat in the car, me and Y/N in the back, there was an awkward silence and i didn't like it, i could see Tony look at me through the rear view mirror now and then and it shuffled in my seat every time he did. After about 10 minutes of driving Stark Tower came into view and i gasped, literally gasped, i had seen it from far but never this close up, i never really ventured out of Queens. We pulled into the parking are and we all got out.

Y/N smiled at me and we all headed inside, i grew more and more nervous every step we took, my palms grew sweaty and suddenly the hairs on my back stood up, this meant something was going to happen. Suddenly the ceiling above us collapsed, Y/N was under this, i quickly webbed her and dragged her out of the way, when the debris was on the floor, Hawkeye stood there and looked around at everyone.

¨This isn't the right floor.¨ He said nervously

¨No its not, you nearly crushed Y/N you idiot.¨ Tony Stark said as he looked over at Y/N, he then turned back to me and gave me a big wide smile and patted me on the shoulder.

¨Thanks kid, you saved her from Clint's idiotic mistake.¨

¨Anytime Mr.Stark.¨ I smiled at Y/N and she blushed and walked ahead with Black Widow into a lift, they held the doors open long enough for me and Mr.Stark to enter. The elevator began to head up and the entire thing was made from glass, i looked out and saw the view of New York city, my eyes widened and i smiled slightly.

When the doors opened we seemed to be at the housing level, i walked out after everyone and nearly fainted when i saw all the avengers sitting in there, i swallowed harshly and walked close behind Y/N. She ran and jumped on top of everyone, they returned all her hugs and she got back up and came and stood next to me.

¨Guys i want you all to meet spider man.¨ Tony stark said gaining all their attention.

¨Umm where is he??¨ Falcon said, i scoffed at him.

¨Right here.¨ he looked taken back and looked at everyone, they all looked as confused as he did

¨Tony hes like 15 years old, what could he possibly do that we couldn't.¨ He looked at me with challenge in his eyes, i juts smiled and walked closer to him, i guess everyone expected me to be take back by him but i was feeling pretty good about myself right now.

¨Well Mr.Falcon i have superhuman strength, agility, endurance, i also have a spider sense that informs me of upcoming danger, oh and im also a genius intellect specialising in chemistry and invention.¨ i crossed my arms and glared at him, everyone seemed to be in shocked and nobody said another word.

¨Do you need me to simplify that for you.¨ Falcon smirked ans shook his head, everyone began to laugh and introduced themselves to me, i did the same, i got a call from Aunt May.

¨Peter where are you?¨

¨Sorry aunt May i went to Mr Delmar for a sandwich and lost track of time.¨

¨Dont worry sweetie just be back home soon, bye¨


i hung up the phone to see everyone staring at me, this was getting old already and i gave everyone a what are you staring at look.

¨You're aunt May doesn't know?¨ Tony Stark asked

¨No and you're not gonna tell her.¨ i said to him with stern eyes

¨Friday call aunt Ma-¨ before he could finish i shot out a web and it went on his mouth and prevent him from speaking, everyone looked around shocked, some laughing, I looked at Tony who looked like he was gonna kill me. He pointed at his face so i went over to help him get undone , he looked at me angrily at first but calmed down soon after.

¨Dont do that ever again kid.¨

¨Right my bad Mr.Stark.¨ i pressed my lips into a line and looked around at everyone, i decided it was probably time for me to go, i didn't want to scare aunt May to death, before i reached the door, Tony pulled me over to the side.

¨Kid before you go i have something for you, i think it will be a minor upgrade.¨ He took me downstairs and into a lab, my eyes widened when i saw Bruce Banner standing there, he was working on something but he caught my eye. He had written the book on Gamma Radiation, i had read that when i was 12 years old and was fascinated by his work ever since.

We reached Tony's lab and he showed me to the back, he tapped his writs and suddenly the wall in front of me began to open revealing a Red and Blue suit, i looked at Mr Stark and then back to the suit.

¨Well i thought that you would probably need a minor upgrade.¨ Tony smiled at me.

¨So i can keep this, f- forever??¨ i stuttered and Tony rolled his eyes jokingly at me.

¨Kid i dont make multi million dollar suits for them to be kept on display.¨ I laughed and thanked Tony, he let me try it on an when i did i was confused as it didn't fit right, it was loose and baggy on my skin, i furrowed my eyebrows at Mr Stark who walked past me and slapped my chest. Suddenly the suit tightened up against me and i looked around, it was definitely an upgrade from my last suit.

I thanked Tony over and over again and he brushed me off, i made my way back upstairs, as soon as i entered the main living room, everyone looked my way and gave me a look of approval at my new suit, Y/N got up and made her way over to me and punched me in the shoulder, it actually hurt a lot. I laughed at her and she smirked.

¨Nice suit Spidey boy.¨ She was smiling at me with bright eyes and i looked behind to see the Avengers smirking at us, i rolled my eyes and hugged her goodbye, i put my new mask on and Wow. Mr Stark definitely out did himself, the eyes were a lot easier too see out off , i shot up a web and swung from building to building until i got to my apartment. I snuck in and saw that my bags were already here and a new case for my suit.

I packed everything away and crashed as soon as i laid down.

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