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The heat in the room caused Peters skin to be covered in a small coat of sweat, i stared for as long as a i could before Mj nudged me in the shoulder, she had a smirk on her face and i rolled my eyes. I admit Peter was really hot but i didn't have any feelings for him, ive only known him for 2 weeks so i cant say much, i watched as he went to put his towel on one of the chairs, he looked back at me and smiled before getting a running start and jumping into the pool. Ned followed him in and they both cannon balled in, i watched as Peter emerged and pushed his wet hair backwards out of his face, okay that was hot.

¨You guys should get in.¨ He looked at me and Mj, i shrugged and jumped in, our laughter blended together as we fooled around, after playing a few game we all leaned against the deg of the pool and just talked.

Soon everyone began heading back to their rooms, it was 2am, we had been there for so long and i didn't even realise how late it had gotten.

¨Guys its 2am we should probably get going.¨

¨Yeah losers lets go.¨ Mj climbed out the pool followed by Ned, i walked over to the chair and grabbed my towel, i bent down slightly and put my head out, my hair dangling in front of my face, i used my towel to dry my hair. After i was done MJ grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the side.

¨I think Parker enjoyed that little show you put on.¨ She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

¨What are you talking about?¨ she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.

¨When you bent down and was drying your hair, Peter didn't take his eyes off you, he probably likes you or something.¨ i scoffed and walked back over to the boys, Peter was messing around with his hair, water splashing everywhere.

¨watch it.¨ I whacked his arm as i left the room, i turned back to see where MJ was and noticed Peter was staring, i cocked my head to the side and he turned around innocently and i smiled. I walked back to the room and got inside and realised the towel i had over my shoulder wasn't mine, it was Ned's, we had the same one but mine had my name in the corner, I left the room and walked over to Peters room.

I tapped the door quietly, no response, i knocked again but still no reply, i sighed and pushed the door slightly to see it was open, i walked in and put the towel on Ned's side of the room when something caught my eye.It was a brown bottle, i picked it up and the bottle label read Web fluid, i furrowed my eyebrows together and turned the bottle around to see if there was anything else on the bottle that i had missed, nothing.

At that moment Peter and Ned crept in slowly and didn't realise i was there, when Peter turned around and saw me he looked confused but looked at my hand, his eyes widened and he just stared at me. Ned was also in shock and looked back at me and Peter multiple times.

¨What is this?¨ Why did Peter have Web fluid, also what was Wed fluid.

¨Ummmm what are you doing in my room.¨ He asked me, that's when it hit me, he was Spider man, that explained a lot of things, the bruises that were on his face when he showed up to school, and most people dont have web fluid lying around.

¨Why do you have Web fluid, are you Spider man??¨ he looked at me and put his face in his hands, when he removed them, he slowly nodded and i grinned at him, he didn't expect the reaction i had given so he stared at me with his lipped pressed in a line.

¨Yeah im Spider man but you cant tell anyone, only you and Ned know.¨ Ned smiled widely and nodded his head proudly.

¨Yeah no of course i wont tell anyone, i think you should tell my Dad though, hes been trying to find out who Spider man is for a few weeks.¨ He snapped his head up instantly and opened his mouth to talk but closed it immediately.

¨Mr Stark has been trying to find out?¨ he looked confused.

¨Yeah, he had a great deal to say, you should him, maybe you could be an Avenger.¨i smiled at him and he slowly began to smile slowly and i turned around to see that Ned was grinning too.

¨That is literally the coolest thing you've ever said Y/N.¨ Ned said

¨Thanks i guess?¨ i turned back to Peter who was still in his shorts, i cleared my throat and he looked at me again, although he didn't look at my face but my chest, i looked down to see i was still in my bikini. The red in my cheeks crept in and i swallowed the bile that would rising in my throat.

¨Ummm im gonna go, see you spidey-boy.¨ i teased as i walked out of the room, they waved me off and i hurried down the dark hallway back to my room, i slowly opened the door trying not to make a sound and when i walked in i saw MJ staring at me with a big smile on her face.

¨What?"i squinted my eyes trying to make out why she was smiling but she just shrugged at me, gosh i was so clueless, why was she smiling at me like that. But in all seriousness, why was this girl always smiling at me like that. I rolled my eyes at her and opened my suitcase, i took out a new set of underwear and pyjamas and went to my closet and got changed.


The rest of the trip went by really quick and it was a lot of fun, we all went tot own a lot and did some activities with the school overall it was great, i did manage to keep the Spider man secret and not tell MJ about it. We got back to the school much later than intended due to the traffic of New York, however when we did arrive , My dad and Nat were standing by the car.

I jumped out of the car and said bye to Ned and MJ and pushed Peter aside.

¨You should tell my dad Peter, honestly.¨ He looked at me worried by i grabbed his shoulders and gave him a smile, he nodded and we made our way back to my dad.

¨Dad i think theirs someone you might like to meet.¨ i pushed Peter forwards a little.

¨Young lady is this is a boyfr-¨ Peters eyes widened before he cut my dad off.

¨No no no, Mr.Stark its not like that, im Spider man.¨ he slowly said the last words and my dad looked confused, he then began to smile and laugh, he stopped instantly when i gave him a serious nod, he then proceeded to look at Peter and smile.

¨Seriously, how do i know you're not joking?¨ he crossed his arms and Peter looked around to make sure nobody was looking before he used one of his webs to grab a bag that was on the floor, he pulled it towards him and it landed in his hands.

¨Does this show that im not joking or do i need to jump off a building as well??¨ He joked, i giggled slightly and my dad smiled.

¨No you dont need to do that kid, its great to finally meet you, those videos online are really impressive i must say.¨"My dad put his hand out for peter to shake, they talked for a bit whilst i put my suitcase in the car. Nat helped me put Peters in as well and we all got into the car and we all headed home.

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