How do we find you?

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Tony POV

I paced back and fourth for 5 hours, how could I find my daughter. It had been 3 days since she was lost and I was losing my mind. I called over all the Avengers, they were all trying so hard to find her.

"Mr Stark I might have something for you." I quickly rushed over to Peter,he was walking through my lab door, he was fiddling around with his fingers a lot.

"This ring has a tracker on it, me and Y/N have the same one, I'd she's still wearing it you could maybe get a location." He was smiling and for the first time in 72 hours I had hope, I hooked up the ring to my computer and we had a signal. Russia????

"What the fuck." I ran the numbers again to make sure it was correct and it was Russia, why the fuck was she being held there.

"Mr stark we should suit up, let's go get her." Peter had his hands on my shoulder and he was calming me down, I didn't even realise I was breathing heavily until Pete calmed me down. My breathes were finally back to a regular pace, I tapped my chest twice and my suit began folding around my body.

"Avengers assemble."


It bad only been a day since I was here but It had been the worst 24 hours of my life. I cried and cried as they started to beat me. I looked up to see their phase plan, day1 meant they would beat me until it left marks all over my body. I cried in pain, screaming, telling them to stop, this only made it worse, they kept there punches and kicks firm. With each kick and punch, a big red mark spread across my body. I felt a bone crack and I shrieked, they kept hitting that broke part of me over and over, to a point where I couldn't cry anymore.

I was thrown back into my cell, it was dark and wet in there and it smelt like a dead body. I did t sleep the entire night but let tears stain my shirt.

I watched as the same 2 figures walked into my room to carry me out, we walked into the same lab and I was sat down on the bed. This time I was given food, I had forgotten about food so as soon as it touched my lips I devoured the stale bread in an instant.

"Now begin phase 2" I teared up and watched as they picked up knifes in all shapes and sizes, I tried to move back as far as I could but my back was met with the rough cold wall. One man out his dirty hands on my mouth and one on my neck, he pushed my head back and for the on the wall and I thought I'd pass out from the pain but what came next kept me awake. A large knife pierced the flesh of my thigh, I screamed louder than I ever had before, I they took out the knife and treated this until I was covered in blood. I was sure I was going to die.

I watched as the blood dripped down my leg and only the floor, the pile getting bigger and bigger. I cried harder and harder every time I moved, they threw me back In my cell, literally and I landed on my legs, instantly collapsing. They had left me some bandages so I grabbed those and bandaged myself up as best as I could but the blood soaked through.

I was thankful they didn't put the chains back on, I put my head in between my knees and cried for hours. My clothes were soaked and my eyes were bright red, I looked over in my room to see if there was anything that would help me end it all. A rope

(Flashbacks - good memories)

I had just finished taking a shower with Peter, he tickled me until I couldn't breathe, he picked me up placed me on the bathroom counter. I put the shaving cream on his face and grabbed the razor, I helped him shave the very little stubble he could grow. He watched me the entire time and gave me kisses all over after I was done.

The thought alone made me smile, I looked towards the rope, I was going to get up but when I tried my legs gave in immediately and I fell to the floor. My head collided with the floor and I was knocked out instantly. It was the same noise that indicated it was the morning, the locks opening and the footsteps coming closer to me. I was grabbed again and taken to the same room I had been taken too for the last few days. I sat there and didn't bother looking at the torture devices, instead I let my emotions take action, tears pooled down my face and I felt the pain in my chest.

"Let's try something different today." Arnim zola said with a sick smile on his face.

The men in the room grabbed me and sat me down on a metal chair, they strapped me down with barbed wire, the pain was excruciating and I screamed as they tightened it around my ankles. My breathe left my mouth when a knife was pressed into either side of my shoulders, I tried to turn to look at the damage but waves of pain shit through me.

"Please stop." I managed to get out

"Why would I do that." He said with a thick Russian accent.

I cried as much as I could until I had no tears left, they also stabbed me in the knees, this time the blades went deeper in and refrained me from moving at all. Even the slightest of movements made me feel weak, the blood dripped only the floor and the only noise was the laughter from the sick and vile men in the room.

After a few minutes I heard an alarm go off, this out a smile on my face, I looked over at Arnim, he looked panicked. He quickly began gathering papers and ran out the room leaving me to bleed out.

Peter POV

We were supposed to arrive in 5 minutes, with my enhanced hearing I could hear an alarm so I rushed to the front of the jet. Everyone looked at me confused but I didn't care, as we approached our destination, I could see windows in the mountains. If Clint hadn't pointed it out, I would have missed it.

"Everyone split up, as soon as any of you find Y/N report back and we get the hell out of there." Steve told us our instructions and we all nodded, everyone began to gear up as we landed the jet, I sighed and put on my mask.

We all went different ways, I went with Mr Stark through the side, he blasted the doors open and we walked in. He signaled me to take the right and he went to the left, so far it was good, the alarm was giving me a headache but I kept my eyes open for nay signs of y/n.

I walked down a hallway and at the end a small shirt man was hurrying out of a room, he was covered in blood so I webbed him up. He looked at where this attack came from and his eyes landed on me, he and fear in his eyes and when I realised who it was my eyes went wide. I ran past him and into the room he came out of too see y/n tied up to a chaired with barbed wire, knives stabbed into her from all areas. She had her head low and was covered in bruises and lots of blood, I slowly walked over to here and kneeled down.

"Y/N can you hear me." I asked softly

"P-p-Peter." She slurred out, I smiled at her and she fought one as-well.

"Guys I've got her, we're on floor 2, east hallway." I said to everyone, everyone began to come over to us. I looked over at y/n who was now passed out and tears rolled down my face, she had gone through so much in so little time. I wiped away those tears and walked out of the room to Arnim Zola.

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