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Once again, the same dreadful noise pierced my ears telling me it was the next day, i groaned and slapped my bedside table, i attempted to hit the alarm clock but failed miserably, instead knocking it over and making contact to the floor. It smashed to pieces and i rolled my eyes but made my way out of bed. A cold spread over my body instantly, the loss of contact with my warm blanket was one of the worst things about waking up.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror, something looked different about me this morning, my skin was glowing, i wondered why because i was used to seeing the spots gradually forming but instead i was greeted with a fresh face. If this was because of my powers I wasn't complaining at all. I brushed my teeth and washed my face with warm water, however this time as the water hit i wasn't welcomed the stinging burn, i flipped my hand over to see that the cuts on my hands were completely healed. I flipped them over back and forth too see if what i was seeing was real and sure enough it was.

Changing out of my pyjamas was too much effort and i didn't want to face the cold that would follow, even though they were shorts, they were surprisingly warm. I decided on a high waisted jeans and a black tank top, i grabbed my trainers in one hand and swung my bag over my shoulder.

Everyone was at their usual seats in the kitchen, they all seemed to be involved in conversation so i didn't bother them but instead walked in and grabbed some breakfast to go. The texts from last night began to come into mind when i remembered i had to ask my dad about the trip.

¨Morning dad, theirs a school trip coming up, can i go?¨ i was expecting him to say no and i would have to beg him but instead he nodded and smiled at me, he handed me a permission slip and i grabbed it off him. I read the letter over and over to be sure what i was reading was real, it was an overnight trip, 5 days.

¨Thankss!!¨I wrapped my arms around his waist and he kissed me on the forehead and chuckled, i placed the slip into my bag and headed out the door shouting bye across the living space, they all waved goodbye and i slipped out the door.

I walked out to see Happy involved in conversation with someone i didn't recognise, a woman, a beautiful one at that, Happy seemed taken with her and i grinned, he looked over at me and his expression changed immediately, he tilted his head sideways and stared at me. The woman hadn't seen me so i decided to leave them alone, i gave Happy a thumbs up and he smiled at me and i walked back into the house. I was early anyways, it was only 7:58, i didn't have to be at school for another 45 minutes.

My dad looked at me confused and i walked over to them

¨Happy is outside talking to a lady and she seems taken with him so i decided to let him do what he was doing and not disturb them, plus im really early anyways so i was hoping that maybe i could take your car to school today??¨

¨Absolutely not¨ my dad didn't even give thought to my question but declined me straight away , he walked past me with his coffee in hand, he took a large sip and sat at one of the kitchen island stools.

¨Dad you have like 100 different cars, please¨ i gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he looked like he would say no again but this was one of his weaknesses, he sighed but nodded. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran out of the house and straight to the garage, i decided on the range rover, it had a matte black wrapping and was a good option. After all i didn't want to choose a red super car, that would draw too much attention to me and i didn't need that after what happened yesterday.

I still had lots of time left to so i phoned MJ

¨Hey loser, my dad let me drive to school today by myself, want a lift¨ MJ answered on the 3rd ring and said yes straight away, she text me her address and i arrived at her front door in less that 15 minutes. When i pulled up she was waiting reading a book, of course she was, i laughed to my self and rolled the window down.

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