The hot tub

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A/N - I decided to give the chapters names and then put in bold whose pov it was instead, this also gives you an insight of what will happen in the chapter, its a steamy one so enjoy

Peters pov

She dragged me past the pool and we made our way to some bushes, i looked at her and then the wall, before i could say anything, she pushed a small button and the bushes moved out the way to reveal a hot tub. The hot tub was centred in the middle and there were fairy lights above us, i was already getting ideas in my head.

¨So what do you think.¨ She asked with a keen smile.

¨Its cute, but i can think of something better.¨ Her smile faded and i just laughed

¨Why are you laughing.¨

¨You're cuter.¨ I winked at her and climbed into the hot tub, it was much hotter than i expected and it burned my skin at first, but after sitting in there for a few minutes, i got used to the temperature. Y/N still hadn't got in, she was just standing there so i put my hand out and she smiled at me, she took my hand and climbed in. She sat opposite me and i was slightly disappointed but i brushed it off. We talked for a bit and i realised she moved closer and closer each time, she was not sitting under my arm drawing small love hearts on my abs. I twirled the hair in between my fingers and she looked up at me, the steam from the hot tub making her look stunning.

¨Im bored.¨ She said with a sweet evil smirk.

¨I can think of a few ways to entertain you.¨ I turned to face her slightly and put my hands on her hips, she climbed on top of me and put her arms behind my neck.

She leaned in and kissed me, i deepened the kiss by slipping my tongue in, our mouths moved in sync and she leaned in further, placing her hands on my chest. I kept mine on her hands although i slowly began to lower them, she broke the kiss and smiled at me, her face still a few inches from mine.

¨Are you sure you wanna do this.¨ I asked her with concerned eyes, she just smiled more and gave me kiss.

¨Does that answer your question.¨ I smirked and pulled her back onto me, i trailed off her lips and down to her neck, she let out a small moan when i kissed her above the collarbone, i grinned and kissed her there again. She moaned again, this time louder than before, that was definitely going to leave a mark.With her permission, she nodded and i removed her bikini top, my reaction to seeing her bare chest still made me feel things, my breathing got heavier and now it was her turn to play. She started off with sloppy kisses down my neck, i tilted my head back as i let her take over. She looked down and smirked, i grinned and she licked her lips and i got up slightly and she pulled my shorts down, i watched her as she grabbed my dick. She used her tongue and teased the tip, i wasn't having that so i put my hand behind her head and pushed her further, she just laughed and moved up and down at a dangerous speed. I gripped the edge of the hot tub tightly, knuckled turning white as i let her work, i tilt my head back, eyes going to the back of my head. She began to go slow so i looked down at her, she was looking up at me and i swear i was going to cum any second. She took my dick out of my mouth and wiped her mouth, i grab her and flip her over, i rip her bottoms off and she laughs uncontrollably as as i hold her in place. I grab the small foil packet and slip the condom on, she gives me a reassuring nod so i smirk evilly. I thrust in and out at her, going slowly at first.

¨G-go f-ast-tter.¨ She could barely get out a sentence, this made me laugh so i did was she asked for, i got a few moans in return and i kept this pace going as it seemed to be what she liked. The water pushing in and out of her making it feel better than ever. I flipped her over again and this time i leaned back and she lowered herself onto me, i took in her bare chest and i licked my lips, i rubbed my chin. She began to rock her hips slowly but i put my hands on either side of her and moved her faster, i took this as my chance and i kissed a trail of kisses on her chest, i sucked harshly right above her nipple and saw a small mark already forming. she liked this as she moaned my name, i wanted her to say it again so i sucked harder and there it was again. She was in control now, she rocker her hips faster an faster and i was overwhelmed in pleasure, i spilled into the condom and she looked happy with herself. She climbed off me and sat next to me, i gave her a kiss on the forehead and cuddled with her for a little while.

¨So what did you think.¨ I asked her, just just hmmed in response so i laughed harder, i insisted on helping her but on her bikini, she didn't say no so im presuming she wanted me too.


Peter helped me with my clothes, not that i minded of course, as soon as i was about to ask him something, Vision appeared through the wall, he looked straight at us then left, i looked at Peter, he looked at me and i sighed.

¨Well that was weird.¨

¨You dont think he will tell the others.¨

¨I sure as hell hope not, that would be weird, he would then tell you dad who would probably end up killing me.¨ He rambled on, i put a finger on his lips and gave him a small kiss on his jaw, we both got out the hot tub and as soon as i did, i felt the same pain i did before. Only this time i didn't mind the pain, i needed help to walk so Peter offered me a ride on his back. I jumped on and we made our way inside.

Nat's POV

I sat at the table with the rest of the avengers, except Tony and Pepper, all of a sudden, Vision cam through the wall.

¨Vis we talked about this, theirs a door for a reason.¨ Wanda said

¨Sorry.¨ he sat down next to Wanda and they both smiled at each other, everyone else could feel the love in the air but the two just denied it.

¨Anyways, have you seen Y/N and Peter??¨ It was getting late and i hadn't seen them since dinner, i wonder what they were up to.

¨They were having sexual intercourse.¨ Vision stated blankly, Sam and Clint both spit out their drinks and slowly faced us, i looked at vision wide eyed, Y/N really had sex?

¨What did you say they were doing.¨ Clint said

¨They were having sexual intercourse.¨ he said blankly again

¨Legolas please dont tell me you know what sex is, or do i have to explain to you.¨ Sam said and over exaggerated his eye roll.

¨I have kids bird brain.¨ Clint said annoyed.

¨You are a kid.¨ Sam mumbled under his breathe, i heard this and laughed

¨So back to the topic of Y/N and Peter, do we tell Tony?¨ Bucky said calmly

¨NO he'll just freak out and get angry at the poor kids, let them live their lives.¨ I snapped, but then it came to my mind, did they use protection, i dont think anyone needs a small baby spider running around?? I pushed these thoughts away and went back into conversation with everyone.

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