when you're on your period

Start from the beginning

-When you have cramps, he will research on how to relieve them. Aku will give you hot chocolate and brownies. He will give your tummy little kisses when you are really hurting.

-Mood swings will be the main thing he struggles with. Your hormones cause you to have 3 different moods in 30 minutes. He will try to not get sassy, but sometimes he can't help it. That's just kind of how he is. Most days, he will coddle you when you're sad, give you space when you're angry, and just do what you want.

-He will make sure you drink a ton of water because he heard it helps during periods. Sometime he will just stop by and give you a bottle of water.



-Chances are, you both have your period at the same time due to being with each other a lot. So you both will try and get through it together.

-She is a champion at easing cramps due to being a doctor. Heating pads, pain pills, fruits, water, and sometime wine. Her kisses are healing as well for some reason.

-You will binge watch shows together while snuggling. There will be trips to the store and you will raid the snacks together. The cashier hates you.

-If you bleed through, there will be no embarrassment at all. Yosano understand perfectly and she will help you get cleaned up.



-This is the only time that Ranpo is willing to share his snacks. Not only that, but he will even let you eat all of them if you feel like it.

-He doesn't need to ask you how you're feeling. His deductive abilities let him tell your mood by the way you act and things you do. If you are being moody, he knows exactly what to do.

-Ranpo will make you decaf coffee to help with cramps. He will make sure you eat 3 meals per day, and snacks.

-He is another person who would be snugglier when you are on your period. Ranpo generally feels bad for you. He will compliment you more than often because you might be more insecure.



-He would probably do research on how to comfort you while you're on your period. He would find ways to calm your cramps and ways to make you not have PMS.

-Tachihara will buy you a chocolate cake to try and make your period better. He just wants to see you happy and not upset. He knows that it won't help with cramps but it might make your mood better.

-He would be all over you. Definitely clingy to your side or the other way around. He blames to give you all the love he has.

-Will get you anything you ask for. If you need period items at 4 am, you will get you it. If you want an ultimate amount of cuddles, he will give you his time.


-Fuku is a busy man but he tries to take time off whenever you are on your period so he can comfort you. Sometimes he will let you stay in his office with him. He had a couch you can rest on and he keeps period products just for when you want to be with him.

-Cooks every meal for you. He makes sure they are full of vitamins and healthy foods. Though sometimes he will give you sweets. He wants the foods he makes to help you.

-If you bleed through your pants, he will politely tell you and make sure you are not embarrassed. Fuku will give you the products you need and extra underwear/pants. If you bleed on the bed, he will turn into father mode. He is very comforting and will get you cleaned up.

-All he wants is for you to be healthy and comforted. He will do whatever it takes. If he is to busy to take care of you, he will ask an agency member to assist you.


-He will do all the things you love when you're on your period. Favorite foods, favorite movies, favorite sweets, favorite hobbies. Fyodor will take you on a huge shopping spree, even if you feel bad for him spending so much money on you.

-Wants you with him 24/7 just in case you need him.

-He will let you drag him into bed and cuddle all day. But when you fall asleep, he will sneak out to do work. Though, when you wake up, he knows he is in trouble.

-He refuses to let you get out of comfy clothes. He expects you to wear sweatpants, shorts, baggy shirts, and fluffy socks all day.

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