Chapter 32

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"WE HAVE AN HAIR!!!" "THE QUEEN IS PREGNANT!!!" "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!! LONG LIVE THE HAIR!!!" people in the crowd yelled while some cried in pure joy.

"Not only one hair but five! I'm 2 months pregnant." Blue said finally breaking and crying with joy as his lovers held him.

"THERE A FIVE HAIRS!!!" "MAY THE QUEEN HAVE A SAFE BIRTH!!!" The crowd roared soon turning into chants of "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!! LONG LIVE THE KINGS!!! LONG LIVE THE HAIRS!!!" While the other monsters were just straight up confused and the humans were scared as they heard of the kings and their crimes. The humans were forced to serve them and now they were having kids that could be just as murderous. They only stayed loyal because they loved the queen and couldn't do anything anyway.

"In celebration of the quintuplets you all will be able to freely move around the castle with your lovers and AUs but some doors will be locked in which you do NOT enter them. Understand?" Nightmare said turning corrupted on the 'not' scaring almost everyone into saying yes.

"Good!" Dream said before leading Blue away with Nightmare fallowing close behind.

"Blue wait!" The Underswap AU said while fallowing said skeleton.

                In the bedroom

Blue POV

I was laying comfortably in a nest of pillows while looking at the baby clothing designs.

I was laying comfortably in a nest of pillows while looking at the baby clothing designs

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Suddenly my AU runs in.

"Sans! Are you really pregnant?! Is that why you haven't been visiting?!" Alphys cries while I groan in annoyance. Eventually they finally shut up so I could answer.

"Yes I am pregnant and yes that is why I wasn't able to visit." I sigh as my lovers enter.

"DId thEy bOt-T-T-thEr yOu?" Error asks in which I responded with a nod.

"Please leave his majesty alone." A guard said leading them out as two AUs walked in.

"Blue are you alright?" Ink asked as him, Error's AU, and his now completed AU walked in.

"Yeah...I'm just feeling very pregnant right now and I don't wanna deal with my AUs yelling." I sigh. Suddenly Nightmare's tendril lightly grabs me by my waist and pulls me into his room where he laid me on Dream's lap. He started petting me to make me purr. *purr* *purr* *purr* *purr* and there it is. I started to grow tired as I was pet more making me calm down enough to sleep and before I knew it I was out cold.

3rd POV

After Blue fell asleep Dream and Nightmare smirked while looking at their purring lover.

"Now he is finally calmed down so we don't need to worry as much about the babies. But we still need to kill off the threats before he wakes up." Dream says.

"Then let's get started~"

To be continued

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