Chapter 3

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"C'mon Ruru! Haha!" "OkAY jEeZ wAI- INK LOOK OUT!!!" *SPLASH* It has been 182 years since the last day of the war and Fate and Destiny have been hard at work bringing back the AU's, right now Ink and Error are in the perfect Au trying to make it to a picnic with Dream and Nightmare but Ink fell into a puddle.

                *giggles* "Ink you need to be more careful I mean if we can't take care of our selves how are we supposed to protect the Peace Treaty when they are born" Dream said walking over to the laughing Error and now wet Ink. "Dream is correct after all if you can't do it then we will be happy to spend more time with them." Nightmare in his passive form smirked as he walked up to the duo's enraged faces
"ANYway mother and lady Destany want to see the four of us" Dream said emphasizing the any and so they took off up the green hill to the mountainous kingdom from the flowery field below.

"HALT! Who goes there!" the guard who the four could tell was a worriortale Sans yelled "Ah! Hello I'm Dream guardian of positivity and these are my friends Ink the creator and protector of the multiverse, Error destroyer of the multiverse, and my dear brother Nightmare guardian of negativity and YOUR prince." Dream finished with a sickeningly sweet smile and a voice laced with venom which seamed to go unnoticed by the guard. "OH! My deepest apologies you're highnesses. Come this way." The guard beckoned the group forward  "Thank you my esteemed guard" Dream said sarcastically but this as well went unnoticed by the guard and just as they were about to leave Dream whispered to the guard giving him a folded piece of paper "Here's my number, call me." After they left Nightmare said "Is he the next heart you're going to break and if so tell me when the break up happens so I can devour his negativity" and Dream retorted with "will do brother"


                *tap* *tap* *tap* The group walked up to the door only to hear lots of loud footsteps from what they could assume were the maids and butlers inside but why were they so frantic and abundant? When they pushed open the giant mahogany doors, they saw nothing but chaos. Maids were running into each other while carrying things like blankets, dippers, toys, and baby bottles. Butlers were preparing some kind of cream colored liquid and pouring it into the bottles frantically. The group was stunned by the strange behavior. Error ran to one of the maids and grabbed their arm halting them as he yelled "W-W-WHAT ON EARTH IS-S-S-S GOING ON IN HERE!!" "The Peace Treaty is here!" the maid said in a panicked tone running away but soon after...

To be continued

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