Chapter 13

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Blue POV

"...who are you?" I asked the picture of the woman in red laying in my hands

"Hey punk!" I hear a voice yell and as I look up I see Alphys (hope I spelt that right)

"Yes Alphys?" I say my voice dull and flat much unlike the cheery and happy voice I normally use almost like it was some kind of mask. No it can't be a mask. It's not a MASK! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THE WAY I ACTED WAS JUST A MASK. ITS NOT A MASK ITS NOT A MASK ITS NOT A MASK ITS NOT A MAS- "SANS!!!" I hear Alphys yell and I look up to see Papy and Alphys giving me a look of worry

"S-sorry I guess I just zoned out a bit there" I said putting on a small smile to hide the fear I felt

"Hey sans do you wanna make some tacos?" Alphys said her voice much smaller then normal

"Can we make something else instead?" I asked not being in the mood for tacos and preferring to make something sweet

"S-sure what do you have in mind?"
Alphys asked with a look of slight shock

"Cupcakes would be preferable" I said calmly thinking of a recipe when suddenly I remembered something

<><><><>10 years ago<><><><>

???:"Can you go get the eggs peace treaty?"

"Okay mister Sugar!" A small yet energetic child with blue eyes said grabbing two eggs and bringing them to the taller skeleton with strange markings on their face like a web, flowers around the eyes, and a heart giving them an innocent demeanor.

"Thank you sugar cube!" The skeleton now known as Sugar said grabbing a book while never removing eye contact with the little boy and then asked

"Can you make the cupcakes while I go make sure that mister Candy doesn't add to much sugar to the macrons?"

"Yes sir!" The child said with a determined smile and once the older left he read the instructions aloud to himself

"First set oven to preheat 350 degrees the get 1 1/4 cups flour, half a teaspoon of salt, and 1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder then put them in a large bowl and mix. In another large bowl put 1/2 a cup of unsalted butter and 3/4s cup of granulated sugar and mix. After that add two eggs and mix some more then once well combined add 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract and mix while adding the buttermilk and flour in thirds alternating between the two each time until smooth. Distribute evenly in a 12 count lined muffin tin then bake at 350 for 21 minutes then let cool. Time to add the frosting! To make the frosting pour 1 1/2 of cold heavy whipping cream and beat on high for 2 minutes. In another bowl put 2 cups of powdered sugar and 8 ounces of softened cream cheese and mix starting on low and slowly moving up until creamy in which you add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and mix then mix the cream cheese mixture and fluffy whipping cream together until even. Frost the room temperature cupcakes and add sprinkles and you're done." The boy fallowed all the directions and made beautiful cupcakes.

<><><>back in the present<><><>

"I know a recipe we can use!" I say energetically almost identical to the boy in the memory and so we made the cupcakes unaware of the inky skeleton watching us from a paint bucket and glaring hard at Alphys.

He will have his memory soon

I C A N T W A I T            

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