Chapter 24

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Alphys POV

I was in a strange castle with halls of indigo with gold accents that never seemed to end as the blue fire on the end of the silver and bronze torches never seemed to show the end of the hallway but always drew me through the halls as if I was in some sort of trance in which I could never escape. That was until I heard it...dark laughter seeming to laugh at every wrong thing I had ever done in life and so much more, whatever the voices found funny I didn't want to know but knew I soon would. I ran and ran and kept running no matter the pain my legs were in as to escape the laughter seeming to be right behind me at all times until suddenly it stopped. The laughter stopped leaving nothing but a dripping sound in it place and when I turned around I saw something horrible...

...Undyne's decapitated head hanging on a wall where the hallway used to be with a glowing blue arrow stabbed through her head as blood fell from her head wound and where her neck ended making a dripping noise as it connected with the wood and slid over to the now stained carpet.

"Such a waste of good carpeting, don't you think?" A sweet almost cloying voice said and the arrow disappeared making the head fall to the floor with a sickening *splat* causing my stomach to churn. I turned around to see a young and beautiful skeleton holding a staff with a calming and sweet demeanor but the look in his eyes was anything but sweet as it held an anger and blood lust like no other.

"Now dear if you or your friends hurt Sans in any way I will personally hunt you down to be tortured for all eternity and don't worry your love is alive for now but she will meet the fate I have so graciously shown you if you don't obey me. Understood?" He asked coldly.

"Y-Yes." I stutter as I shake in fear.

"Good. Now that that's done you may wake up~" a dark seductive voice said before everything turned black.

Blue POV

I was in what seemed to be a bedroom when suddenly I felt something slimy rub my spine and arms wrap around my waist. Suddenly I heard purring and slowly realized it was me who was purring but for a reason I don't know but suddenly the person behind me said

"So your body still remembers me~" and suddenly they sat us down on the bed and put their head on my shoulder.

"W-Who are you? What do you want?" I stutter fearfully.

"I am one of your soulmates dear and soon you will be the queen our kingdom needs but for now it's best for you to rest and restore your strength." He said as I fell into a deep slumber without a single clue that my life will soon change forever...

To be continued

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