Chapter 26

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Blue POV

Ever since the meeting with the king and queen the girls have been treating me like a slave as in telling me to cook or clean when they are over and tell my friends I do it willingly and even offered to. Today they came over but I knew something was up. They told me to cook some food for them and I did as last time I said no they came up with a lie that I said I didn't want to waist my food on them and got yelled at. As I was cooking I heard a shatter and ran back only to see Queen Toriel's favorite flower pot broken and the girls laying down on the floor smirking which quickly faded to a look of fear while covered in blood and a bloody hammer lay near the pot and when the others came in they immediately blamed me and hurt me. I was told to clean the mess and apologize for something I didn't do so I did but this kept happening every week for 2 months until one day they did it publicly and I had enough.

"I'M DONE WITH YOUR CRAP!!!" I screamed ripping of the blood I now knew was fake with my magic and running off ignoring the cries for me to come back behind me.

"I can't believe they would do such a thing..." I said sadly when suddenly I felt a rush of calmness run over me and I looked around to see another two skeletons looking at me sadly before the darker one said

"Hello dear...Dream and I saw what they did to you and would like to make a deal".

"What kind of deal?" I asked as the one known as Dream walked forward.

"We would like to take you with us. You see back when you were just barely 5 years old we had to wipe your memories of us and send you to the Underground to keep you safe and now that the war we fought has ended we can finally take care of you and restore your memories. We will take care of you and you just come back home." Dream said.

"How do I know your not lying?" I ask suspiciously as this sounded to good to be true but then Dream summoned a picture I painted years ago that Papy showed me after...that other skeleton was there and wanted the rabbit back...oh my god! The painting shows the both of them and me at a nursery and Ink is there to!

"See? You painted this picture of us from when you were a baby and the true painting you based this on is back home." The other skeleton said.

"Okay I'll go with you... but when will I come back?" I ask.

"When you become queen you may return and the time is 1 year here for every 10 years back home and same for months, weeks, and days so you won't be gone long." Dream said happily.

"Alright." I say as we walk deeper into the forest and find a portal which we walk though and so my new life as queen of Paradise began.

To be continued
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