Chapter 17

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Blue POV

I found out that Alphys gave me a day off due to "yesterday's occurrences" though nothing too bad happened yesterday just us making a cake and me spacing out. Anyway now that I have lots of free time I decided that due to my lack of sleep last night a small nap would be ok and like the other times another skeleton was waiting to greet me. The skeleton known as horror who had a giant glowing red eye and a bunch of bandages covering what I somehow knew was a gaping hole. He taught me how to cook meals like wagyu and basic stakes, Foie Gras, and 10 ways to use Caviar, and many many more. When I woke up I got straight to cooking and made quite a bit before I heard a knock at the door

 When I woke up I got straight to cooking and made quite a bit before I heard a knock at the door

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