Chapter 16

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Blue POV

It's midnight and I can't sleep because every time I do I dream of different people talking to me like I know them and I was in the body of the little skeleton with the blue eyes and scarf who I'm starting to think is me. First time it was a tall man with a strange voice which sounded like multiple named Bill teaching me how to make magic fire which ended up being purple and blue

 First time it was a tall man with a strange voice which sounded like multiple named Bill teaching me how to make magic fire which ended up being purple and blue

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"Remember to use this flame for almost everything having to do with fire after all it is completely under your control."

"Okay mister Bill!" The boy said as I had no control of this body.

"Heh call me Bill kid" Bill said with a smile that could easily be mistaken as a smirk.

The next dream I was in a room filled with paint cans, brushes, canvases, and anything else you could possibly need for art and it seemed to be three stories tall and had two small balconies going all the way around the wall with shelves containing even MORE artsy stuff. "Let's have you learn how to paint!" The skeleton who the kid identified as Ink said as his eyes changed to two stars one yellow one blue then he taught me how to sketch, paint, and draw. Then the Dream ended and I moved onto the next.

"Let me show you our hierarchy Peace Treaty" a skeleton named Sci said as he showed me a picture

"The royals which you are a part of are the most powerful of the ranks and can do basically anything they want but only certain people are in this class such as the deities, Dream, Nightmare, and you

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"The royals which you are a part of
are the most powerful of the ranks and can do basically anything they want but only certain people are in this class such as the deities, Dream, Nightmare, and you. You see, there are three categories that Sanses are sorted into-" he stoped pointing to another wall with a small chart

 You see, there are three categories that Sanses are sorted into-" he stoped pointing to another wall with a small chart

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"-You are in one of these groups known as Alpha. Now we move onto the Noble which consist of most of the Alphas and some Gammas and can only be attained by a Sans with no humans or other monsters aloud. Next is the commoner which consists of lucky humans/monsters and the rest of the Gammas and Betas and are a class filled with quite a variety of jobs such as a cook or a nurse which you can get if you are either a hard working Sans or a very lucky human/monster. Then there are the slaves which consist of only humans and other monsters and basically just do all the heavy labor and are basically just maids and butlers and just as a note for the future, if a maid or butler dies then leave them to be cleaned up by the other maids and butlers because there are thousands being bred daily by the forced prisoner class and they aren't worth the tears so don't cry as they will be replaced quickly. Now last and definitely least are the prisoners which are made up of people who work against the crown or don't do their jobs well enough as well as products of interbreeding of Sanses and other races and their other race parent like if a Sans and a fire elemental had a child the fire elemental will be killed and the kid will be part of the prisoner class while depending on the class and times this crime is committed they could get as low as nothing or as high as being tortured until their sanity is destroyed. Anyway the prisoners are basically entertainment, stress relief, or training practice. They can entertain by fighting to the death, they can also be stress relief if the captor decides to beat them or do something...worse...which could lead to an inbred child unless they are killed whilst still carrying the child and last is the training practice where they could be target practice or even torture practice. Let's just say none of them are pretty but not that we should care as they are nothing more than insects fated to be crushed under us. I hope you learned something today."

He finished and I woke up and decided to use the skills they taught me and make a cake and made a picture of the cake since I still had two hours left till I had to wake Papy

He finished and I woke up and decided to use the skills they taught me and make a cake and made a picture of the cake since I still had two hours left till I had to wake Papy

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3rd POV

"Ah he is remembering more. I Can't wait!" Dream squealed as he sat in his lover's lap while both were thinking about the things they would do to the poor Peace Treaty.

To be continued
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