Chapter 2

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                The next day a new AU was created by Ink as Classic and Error convinced Fate and Destiny separately to make one creation on this world. Fate would only agree if the AU was named after her child and so they named it Dreamtale with the coming birth of dream the guardian of positivity and nightmare the guardian of negativity.
Dream was a beautiful white boned skeleton with golden star that shined like the sun as his eye lights he wore a small golden head band that curved backwards when the ends touched as well as a golden cloak like cape with a peachy pink orb with a white star, his vest was turquoise with white and gold lining to match his sky blue pants and gold belt with DS carved into it; there were pieces of fabric on his belt covering little orbs with hearts on them that contained people's positive feelings and memories. He also had gold gloves and boots with turquoise and white accents.
Nightmare has calm violet eyes and wears a purple vest with gold lining and moons on the cuffs to match his purple boots with gold accents, he wore a gold belt, black pants and to complete the look a golden crown with a moon carved through it
At first the two got along and even called the other "brother" despite the fact that they weren't even related and Dream protected Nightmare from bullies as they watched over the tree of feelings and the fruits it bared until.... the Apple Incident......
One day after a particularly rough beating from the villagers of their AU Nightmare ran to the tree and out of jealousy grabbed one of the golden fruits but on contact it turned black and shriveled up, soon after the tree wilted and almost all the apples turned black. The villagers in anger and fear took it out on the negative guardian and in desperation nightmare ate one of the negativity apples. Soon nightmare felt a shot of power and negative energy shoot through his body as he coughed up black goop. Dream arrived at the scene only to see a goopy skeleton with one aqua teal eye light destroying everything in it's sights living or not with the black tentacles protruding from it's back as it laughed demonically but what surprised Dream most was the gold crown with the moon carving his dearest brother wore on this monster's head.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA-" The monster's laugh was cut short by Dream "Brother! Stop this please!" Dream cried to the monster who was identified as Nightmare "Shut it Dream! It will be your turn as soon as I'm done getting my revenge!" But Dream persisted by summoning his bow and arrows and shooting one of Nightmare's tentacles "ARRGH! WHY YOU LITTLE-" another shot in the arm "UGH! THAT'S IT" and with that Nightmare and Dream fought with Nightmare winning and turning Dream to stone for the next 500 years.

Due to this event the war became even fiercer as Ink and Error were forced to fight each other as Error was forced to destroy all of Ink's creations and watch as Ink cried over losing the creations he poured his life and non-existent soul into. After 800 years of war the final battle came and the sides were waiting for Ink or Error to move. Ink and Error slowly moved forward and just as Error was about to attack Ink fell to his knees and said as tears rolled down his face "I can't do this anymore. If my creations are fated to die then who am I to feel alive." Slowly Error walked forward and delivered a spine crushing hug. Soon all the Sanses were hugging, even dream and nightmare as the Deities realized what they had done. They promised to revive the universes and as a gift to make a multiverse with only one AU known as the perfect AU for all the Sanses to live in and a new Sans. They named him Blue.

To be continued

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