Chapter 20

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Blue POV
I was walking around the forest when I felt an urge to walk a certain way and I listened and walked that way. I found a small clearing with lots of flowers I think were called the "forget me not" flowers. When I looked further I found a skeleton similar who taught me to paint in my dreams drawing the scenery in front of them.

"H-Hello there!" I say catching the skeleton's attention.

"Oh hi bud! Sorry about that. I just get really caught in my work!" He said while rubbing the back of his head.

"O-oh okay! My name is Sans." I responded.

"Oh cool me too! People call me Ink though. Can I call you Blue so we don't get confused?" He asked.

"Of course! I like that name a lot!" I say liking the name and it's strange familiarity.

"What is someone like you doing out here by the way? Don't you know it's dangerous?" He asked holding a slightly worried look as his eyes changed to a dark blue tear drop and a turquoise triangle.

"I was setting up traps for humans when I felt the urge to come here and yeah I know it sounds weird." I say shyly.

"Don't worry I believe you, after all I have seen lots of crazy things in the time I have been alive." He said with a joking yet serious tone.

3rd person POV

"How old are you?" Blue asked the older skeleton known as Ink.

"I don't remember honestly. I stopped counting at 200 years as around then I figured time was irrelevant." Ink said as if it was every day information and shocking Blue.

"Wowie! Your life sounds so cool!" Blue said as his eyes turned to stars causing Ink to blush a rainbow hue.

"T-Thanks but it wasn't all fun and games. Long ago I had an enemy who I would fight almost daily until I found out their reasons. Turns out that they were forced into doing what they did and eventually we became friends." He said enjoying going over such nice memories.

"What happened after?!" Blue asked excitedly.

"Well we managed to stop the war we were fighting and started watching over someone known as the Peace Treaty and we started dating. Currently we are married and keep watch over the Peace Treaty with our two friends." He said with a yellow heart in one eye and a pink star in the other as he looked at Blue with such a protective look it was as if he were his most beloved thing.

"Who are your friends? Oh! Sorry if I'm asking too many questions." Blue said worried that he was annoying the taller skeleton.

"It's alright! You've met my friends before though." He said with a devious grin as he made Blue more curious.

"Really? I don't think I have." Blue said confused.

"Well you were still a baby bones the time you first met them and you were just barely five when you last saw them all." Ink said with a childish grin

"I wanna go meet them! How can I do that though?" Blue asked sadly.

"You can soon. All you need to do is wait." Ink said.

"Ok!" Blue responded.

'Soon very soon~'

To be continued

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