Chapter 5

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                Mister Dream! Want to go on a picnic in bunny garden with me, mister Nighty, and mister Killer?" yelled a little skeleton with cadet blue eye lights and a turquoise scarf running towards an older looking Dream while holding onto a pink stuffed rabbit with brown button eyes and a black x where the mouth should be.
                "Okay my little Bluebird." Dream said walking towards the beaming skeleton and hiding him from the human who just confessed their undying love for him and had been harshly rejected currently crying on the floor as the flowers and chocolate they had given lay forgotten on the floor next to them.
                Dream and Nightmare were sitting on a picnic blanket eating cucumber sandwiches while watching with annoyance as Killer was feeding the rabbits with Blue and stealing his time with them away. 'If Killer didn't work for Nightmare, he would suffer the consequences of stealing Blue' Dream thought as his left eye light turned crimson red until the rabbits started backing away in fear feeling the fury radiating off of him in which Nightmare signaled for him to calm down before Blue could notice.
                'I'll have to talk to Killer later' thought Nightmare while sensing Dream's negativity and feeling it was perfectly justified until the rabbits started backing away in fear where he pushed Dream slightly to grasp his attention and mouthed "Calm down! Do you want Blue to notice?" while his face showed a serious and all-knowing glare.
                "Mister Nighty why did all the bunnies leave?" Blue asked "They wanted get all the food home so they can eat it during winter" Nightmare said matter-of-factly while patting Blue's head
            2 MONTHS LATER

"Lusty it's my birthday in a week!" Blue exclaimed jumping up and down while looking up at the shy skeleton wearing black pants and a dark pink hoodie with a turquoise broken heart on the front and bat-like wings and a boney tail hanged limply behind him, he gave Blue a calm almost emotionless look as he held the hand of a taller skeleton with a gaping hole in his skull and one giant red eye light in an eye socket that never closed which Blue could tell by sight was Horror from Horrortale who was eating a giant turkey leg and was one of Nightmare's workers as well as part of the Murder Time Trio which consisted of Dust, Killer, and Horror.
"What do you want for your birthday Blue?" Horror said still eating the turkey leg. "I just want you two to be there!" Blue said almost exploding with joy, all the while watching from afar were Ink and Error.
"UGHH! Why do we have to only watch and not hang out with him?!" Ink cried in exasperation. "W-w-W-We HAvE tO lEArn TO oNLY WaTCh fr-R-r-rom A Dis-S-S-s-StanCE" Error said in retaliation to Ink's cries which he found annoying to listen to but loved the smaller far too much to actually voice his annoyance.


*tap* *tap* *tap* Nightmare paced back and forth as the black goop from his dark form fell down slowly but not staining the dark purple carpet below instead disappearing as more goop formed and spilled out from his covered left eye
"Cross! Come here now!" Nightmare yelled in annoyance and agitation, his tentacles flinging around and stretching up to their length of 10 feet though the more negative he is the more goop he makes thus making his tentacles longer or thicker (He chooses).
"Yes Boss?" Nightmare turned to see a skeleton in black and white clothing with a blood red mark on his face matching his red right eye which clashed with his white left eye bowing to him while a giant knife hung loosely on his back, now to a normal middle class Sans this would be seen as scary or off-putting to see a member of the royal guard bowing to you but to Nightmare this was seen as normal or if he were of even slightly higher status it would be seen as disrespectful for only royals and the highest ranked nobility can come up to someone with that rank without a gift and have it not be seen as disrespect
"I need a report on the mortals up in the Purple Kingdom and what ideas you could come up with on how to take care of them swiftly and skillfully so the Peace Treaty doesn't leave

"No boss... my deepest apologies" Cross said lowering his head in shame "*sigh* I see and even though this is disappointing I will let you off the hook for NOW." Nightmare said turning into a blob of goop and retreating deeper into the castle walls only to come face to face with a scowling Dream
"Did he find anything?" Dream said impatiently as his foot tapped the ground in annoyance. "Unfortunately, no." Nightmare said sharing equal annoyance at the news "Brother! We need to get rid of the Purple Kingdom before Blue is sent away in a week to Underswap for the next 10 years!" Dream said as his annoyance was taken over by worry for what was to come.

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