Chapter 6

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                "Happy birthday dear Blue~ Happy birthday to you~" *cheers* The whole Universe was in the castle of Order celebrating the day of sapphire (also known as Blue's birthday) by giving Blue gifts and showing their appreciation to him but today something was up and the guards were on edge.
                "somethings not right..." Ink thought "WHy aRe the gUAR-R-r-Rds so ON ed-D-dge?" Error questioned "What is this negative presence?" Dream wondered "There are more people here then I can see..." Nightmare pondered then all at once they thought "Someone's here!"
                *BOOM* The door was being broken down!" *CRASH*the windows were being destroyed as humans jumped through! *Screams of terror* everyone was running away in fear as the guards moved into their defense and attack positions but were sloppy and left many spots open to attack! Suddenly the floor was covered in a thin but sturdy sheet of ice as large thick ice spikes shot out at the invading humans killing some badly injuring many more, pieces of ice that looked like thorny vines wrapped themselves around the humans while the rest had their feet frozen to the floor, all of this came from Blue who was crying in the corner surrounded by a clear bubble of ice on a mound of fine snow, the ice was filled with such thick fog that if you couldn't hear Blue's crying you would never even guess he was in there
                "BLUE!!!" Dream, Ink, Error, and Nightmare yelled in unison running over to the ball of ice which they knew they couldn't break before the humans got loose, they looked at each other like you would if you had an idea and so Error used his strings to pull the sphere over into a portal and put it on a piece of solidified ink that was in the same shape as the mound of snow as the portal closed behind the four.
                Dream and Nightmare slowly made giant glowing purple and gold orbs and put them together and covered the ice in it and as it slowly faded the ice melted and the fog escaped leaving nothing but a sleeping Blue who they picked up and teleported to his new room in...Underswap and altered the memories of everyone in the au to think that he'd been there since birth.

meet you again in 10 years Blue

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