46 - Christian Seavey ( Twitch )

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I didn't stop her, I never stopped her. And that was a year ago. The boys have just released their new album, and I miss her. Every day I miss her, and I wonder what happened to her. She disappeared shortly after that, stopped hanging out with us. Stopped hanging out with Franny. It was hard for Franny, she lost her best friend. And it's my fault. " I miss her, I try to text her occasionally. But she never answers, I think she got a new phone or something. I just I miss her a lot... " Franny whispers to Daniel, he's hugging her tightly. Today's Franny's birthday, and Y/n used to always do something really exciting and fun for her. Franny got a text, and walked out of the room. 

" I feel bad for her, like she doesn't even have a reason, " Daniel tells me. I lower my head a little bit. This is all my fault. " Christian are you alright? You've been out of it, " he adds. 

" I know why Y/n left, " I whisper. We hear a scream and run to where Franny is. 

" She texted me back! She texted me back?! " She screams in excitement and confusion. 

" What did she say? " Jack asks. 

" Happy birthday girlie, sorry about this whole past year. It's been a lot, with the whole pandemic, and losing someone I love. And also having a b.. a baby. I know I shouldn't have just left, and you deserve a huge apology. But.. I want to wish you a happy birthday. You're my best friend, and I know I haven't been the best lately. I'm hoping when restrictions get lifted we can meet, " she says reading the message. " And also there is someone who wants to say something, " she adds. 

" Fran-Fran! " It's a little boy's voice. She chuckles at the video, and we all walk over to watch the video. It's a little boy dancing to the birthday song. " Fran! Fran! " He says again. The video ends, and she looks at the other messages. 

" That's my son, his name is Greyson Elliot, his birthday is May 1st, 2020, " Franny begins to cry slightly, and Daniel grabs a hold of her. " All he's been asking for is to meet his aunt. Fran-Fran, we're still working on him saying Franny. So when you're, I know I'm texting this all out of the blue, but when you're ready. I know he would love to meet you. Love, Y/n, " she adds. She looks up at all of us with tears streaming down her face. 

" Are you going to meet up with her? " Jonah asks. 

" Yeah, I haven't seen her in over a year. I want to see her, meet this son. And find out why she left all of a sudden, " she says. Daniel looks at me, and I put my head down. 

" I know why she left, " I tell her. 

" What? " She asks me. " Why did she leave? " She asks.

" Because of me, " I comment, Daniel grabs a hold of her. " Two months before she disappeared from you. She told me she was pregnant with my kid, and I was frozen. I couldn't move, and she begged me to tell her I wanted to be in the baby's life. And if I didn't, she got her answer. I wanted to tell her I wanted to be in the baby's life. And she disappeared from my life shortly after that. And I guess seeing me hurt her so much... she left your life. And I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you sooner. But I didn't have the courage, I'm glad she reached out, " I add. 

" Do you want to be in her life and Greyson's? " Franny asks, I give her. a nod. " Okay, " she adds. " I wish you told me sooner Christian, " she tells me. I give her a nod. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

Franny had engulfed me in a hug, she said we needed to stop at the Seavey brothers' house. And we did, she hasn't stopped hugging me since we met up. Greyson has also loved meeting Franny. I talked to him a lot about her, and he wanted to meet her so badly. " Boys, I brought a special guest, " Franny says which that caused me to chuckle. 

" Doggy! " Greyson climbs down from me running over to their dog, almost running into the two boys walking out into the living room. 

" Grey be nice, " I tell him. 

" How old is he? " Tyler asks. 

" He's 11 months, next month he'll be one, " I comment. He walks over and hugs me.

" It's good to see you, " he whispers. 

" It's good to see you too, " I tell him. " He's obsessed with dogs right now, " I add. I look up and make eye contact with Christian. He smiles lightly, and looks back at Grey. I mean, he is his son. This is the first time he's seeing his son in person. 

" You go talk to Christian, I'll watch him, " Franny whispers to me. I give her a nod, I walk over to him grabbing a hold of his forearm and walking outside. 

" I'm sorry, " he says quickly. Which that caught me by surprise. " I wanted to say something, but my brain was going like crazy. I couldn't even speak, I want to be in his life. And I should have reached, but I know you were so angry at me, " he adds. 

" Do you love me? " I ask him. 

" Yes, " he tells me. 

" And you want to be apart of Grey's life? " I ask him. He nods. 

" And I know we'll have to gain each other's trust back, and I should have ran after you that day. I should have, and I'm sorry I didn't, " he comments. 

" I'm sorry I didn't stay, " I tell him. " I was thinking in my, please stop me. I wanted you to stop me so badly, " I add. He walks towards me and hugs me. 

" I'm not going anywhere, " he whispers. I give him a nod. 

" Do you want to meet your son? " I ask chuckling. 

" Yeah, I would love to meet my son, " he tells me. 

It did take a little bit of healing on both sides, but luckily now we're parenting together. Watching over Greyson, and Greyson is so excited that his dad is in his life. 

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