45 - Jonah Marais ( Why Don't We )

Start from the beginning

" She had a kid, " I scoff, truly that gets me upset. 

" Jonah, she never covered up the tattoo, " Corbyn comments. I walk back over, and Corbyn has it paused on her outer wrist. Where lays a JMF tattooed on her. 

" Why did she never cover that up? " I ask them, they look at me unsure to answer and unsure about why she never covered it up. Why did she never coverup her tattoo? " Does it show anywhere, that she has a boyfriend? " I ask Zach, he begins searching her page. And he just shakes his head. 

" Nope, from what it looks like is that she's single, " he tells me, I give him a nod. I'm going to find her. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

Me visiting Gabbie caused a lot of drama in the WDW fandom, I have been MIA for a while. Focusing on raising Myles, posting every now and then. But the fans were like 'that kid looks way too much like Jonah not to be Jonah's'. Which brought back the whole debate of why Jonah and I broke up. Was it cheating, was it we just didn't fit anymore. It was a lot, and it's been messy. Myles is currently playing with Sirius, yes our dog, when I get a phone call from an unfamiliar number. 

" Hello? " I ask. 

" Hi, " a girl says, she sounds kinda older. Seems sweet. It seems like there's a lot of people in the background. " Is this Y/n? " She asks. 

" Yes this is, who is this? " I ask. 

" Franny, " she tells me. I nod. 

" Hi Franny, is there anything I can help you with today? " I ask her. 

" I'm friends with Why Don't We, " she begins. Oh God. " Um, and Jonah doesn't know I'm on the phone with you right now, " she adds. 

" I don't want you to get in trouble with him, " I tell her. 

" I've heard things about you, I just want to know the truth. Your truth about what happened, " she comments. 

" Jonah broke up with me because of photoshopped pictures, and the day he did was the day I found out I was pregnant with my son Myles. I never cheated and I would have never cheated on him. I have a tattoo of his initials on my arm for a reason, " I tell her. 

" So Myles, your son, is Jonah's kid? " She asks, I look over at Myles as he smiles at me. He has his exact smile. 

" I'm not saying that over the phone, " I comment. 

" Mommy! Look! " I look up at I see Myles on Sirius' back. And I watched as my world fell. 

" Myles! Myles! " I scream dropping my phone, Sirius had gotten scared from something outside and flung Myles off of his back. " Myles, Myles, " I tell him scared out of my mind. 

I don't remember the next few hours. All I know is staying by Myles' side as they were examining him. He broke his arm, and has bruises. Why did Sirius get so scared, he never does that. Like ever, I don't know, it's not his fault this happens. " Mommy, " he whispers. 

" Hey baby, I'm here. I'm here, " I tell him moving over to him. 

" Sirius.. no hurt, " he whispers. I give him a nod. He loves that dog more than anything. " He smiles lightly knowing that Sirius isn't hurt. He slowly starts falling asleep, and that's when I call my mom. 

" Hey mom, " I comment. 

" Hey baby, how are you doing? " She asks me. 

" Myles broke his arm, " I mutter 

" What?! How?! " She asks. 

" He was on Sirius' back, and Sirius got scared and flung him off of him. And he crashed into the wall, he's okay. They checked for a concussion, and they said he didn't have one. His arm is broken, there are some bruises in another places. I'm just, he's sleeping right now, " I tell her. 

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