12 | mad duck's marksheet

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"Haru, do you know where my ruler went?"  Heeseung asked Haru suspiciously

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"Haru, do you know where my ruler went?"  Heeseung asked Haru suspiciously.  He lent his ruler to Haru during the test but after Haru returned it, it disappeared .

Haru shrugged her shoulders as her eyes glued to her notebook as if the notebook dazzled her eyes .
"I put it on your desk"

Heeseung let out a restless breath,
"Mrs.Cheon will kill me if we don't have a ruler during her subject !"

"You should write your name on your property , then it's easier to find if anyone stole it " Haru said .

"Won't you help me find it? "
Heeseung gave his bambi eyes to Haru, eyes full of hope.

Haru seemed to almost disappear in his eyes, the girl slapped herself some senses .
"I need to go to Mr.Kim's room,"

Heeseung's bambi eyes immediately turned to eagle eyes, glaring at Haru as if he wanted to devour her .

He pursed his eyes with displeasure,
"All right, it's okay. I understand,"

He shoved his hands into his pockets and deliberately bumped with Haru's shoulder, causing her precious notebook to fall to the floor .

"That punk—"
The girl picked up her notebook and dusted it, she glared at Heeseung. 

The sulking boy was looking for something in his pencil box.  He turned his head to Haru and rolled his eyes to her.

"Did he just.. for real ?"
Haru was taken back by Heeseung, she huffed and changed her gaze away from that boy .

"Haru, Mr.Park will tell our score and position today "
Hyunjoo said in a cheerful tone as she rested her jaw on her palm, looking at Haru with a big smile .

"Really ? That's super fast "
Haru replied .

"Why do you look so happy?  Did something happen? " Haru asked her .

"I think something very good will happen to me today " Hyunjoo said whole heartedly .

"Oh really ? What—"

"Haru , Mr. Han wants to see you in his room, he said it's about your field project " Beomgyu , their class president said.

"Okay , thank you Beomgyu"
Haru immediately got up from her seat. 

"We'll talk again after I'm done"
Haru said to Hyunjoo before walking out of class , leaving Hyunjoo alone

Hyunjoo just smirked at her while giggling "I guess, you're going to have more fun today , Haru-ah ~"

Haru continued her journey, she smiled and bowed a bit to the other students she met in the corridor .

"Is there something wrong with my field project?  Hm, I hope not "

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